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50 Cent Suits Up For Black Enterprise Magazine

5192 days ago
411 Mania50 is all business... more info

50 Cent's mansion burgled

5192 days ago
Jam! Showbiz Music, Canada50 Cent has been given a pre-Christmas scare - his $5 million US Connecticut mansion has been targeted by burglars. more info

50 Cent's house and wine collection burgled by stoners - Daily Gossip

5193 days ago
NMEChris Martin dines with the homeless, Plan B's ego swells – your music gossip stop more info

50 Cent Suspect -- We Just Wanted to Get Wasted

5193 days ago
TMZFiled under: 50 Cent, Celebrity Justice, Music The guys who were arrested inside 50 Cent' s Connecticut mega-mansion weren't trying to steal anything -- they just wanted to get hammered in the lap of luxury ... ... more info

50 Cent Starts New Record Label Division

5193 days ago
411 ManiaHe has also signed the first rapper. more info

A New Label For Fiddy

5193 days ago
Perez HiltonThe first one did alright for itself, so why not start a second?! 50 Cent will reportedly launch a new division of his record label this coming year called GNote Records. In fact, according to his Twitter page, Fiddy has even signed the label's first... more info

50 Cent's Connecticut Mansion Burgled Unsuccessfully

5193 days ago
PopeaterFiled under: Music News, Troublemakers, WTF 50 Cent's massive mansion in Connecticut was broken into Tuesday morning, TMZ reports. The 52-room home, formerly owned by Mike Tyson, fell victim to two men, Alexander Hernandez and Santos Padilla. Both... more info

50 Cent's Connecticut Mansion Burglarized

5193 days ago
Starpulse50 Cent has been given a pre-Christmas scare - his $5 million Connecticut mansion has been targeted by burglars. Law enforcement sources tell they received a call from security guards at ... more info

Two Guys Break Into 50 Cent's House

5193 days ago
411 ManiaFound drinking wine in his closet... more info

50 Cent - 50 Cent's Connecticut Mansion Burgled

5193 days ago
ContactMusic50 CENT has been given a pre-Christmas scare - his $5 million (3.3 million) Connecticut mansion has been targeted by burglars.Law enforcement sources tell they received a call from security guards at the Farmington residence about a suspiciou... more info

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