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A Day After AC/DC Drummer Phil Rudd Was Charged For Attempting To Hire A Hit Man For Murder The Charges Got Dropped!

3775 days ago
Perez HiltonAs if things couldn't get any weirder! Remember the attempting to procure murder charges that were brought against AC/DC's Phil Rudd the other day? Well, according to his attorney, those charges are now being dropped due to a lack of evidence! [ Rela... more info

attempted murder charges dropped against AC/DC's Phil Rudd (drug & threatening-to-kill charges remain)

3775 days ago
Brooklyn VeganAC/CD (Rudd second from right) We posted about AC/CD drummer Phil Rudd being charged with attempting to hire a hitman to kill someone. Those charges have now been dropped due to "insufficient evidence" but prosecutors will still go forward on... more info

Watch: AC/DC drummer Phil Rudd free from murder-for-hire charge

3775 days ago
The TelegraphInsufficient evidence means AC/DC drummer does not face an attempting to arrange murder charge - but he still faces charges of threatening to kill and drugs possession more info

AC/DC’s Drummer Is Innocent of ‘Attempting to Procure Murder’

3775 days ago
TimeBut he still faces charges of threatening to kill and possession of methamphetamine and cannabis more info

NZ prosecutor drops charge against AC/DC drummer of attempting to procure murder

3775 days ago
ReutersWELLINGTON (Reuters) - A New Zealand prosecutor on Friday dropped a charge against AC/DC drummer Phil Rudd that he attempted to procure the murder of two people, but Rudd still faces charges of threatening to kill. more info

Murder-for-hire charge against AC/DC drummer Phil Rudd dropped

3775 days ago
The TelegraphCharges dropped due to lack of evidence as Rudd's lawyer says 'damage done is incalculable' more info

AC/DC drummer Phil Rudd no longer facing murder-for-hire charge

3775 days ago
L.A. Times - Entertainment  more info

AC/DC drummer Phil Rudd no longer facing murder-for-hire charge

3775 days ago
L.A. Times - News more info

AC/DC Drummer Phil Rudd -- Murder-for-Hire Charge Dropped

3775 days ago
TMZAC/DC drummer Phil Rudd has been cleared of attempting to hire a hitman to kill 2 other people ... according to his attorney.Rudd's attorney Paul Mabey says he met with prosecutors in New Zealand who decided there was not enough evidence to supportâ€... more info

AC/DC, the law and Phil Rudd's alleged murder-for-hire plot

3776 days ago
L.A. Times - News more info

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