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Fanfarlo – In the Aeroplane Over the Sea (Neutral Milk Hotel Cover)

5662 days ago
We All Want Someone To Shout ForI don’t know too much about Fanfarlo, but I was reading i guess i’m floating and came across their cover of Neutral Milk Hotel’s classic “In the Aeroplane Over the Sea”. They played it live the other night @ The Bell House and it is an abso... more info

[Video] Fanfarlo: "In The Aeroplane Over The Sea" (Live)

5666 days ago
I Guess I'm FloatingFanfarlo have been an IGIF favorite for awhile and are making all the right moves to get into as many ears as possible. They're currently on tour blazing across America and performed a nifty rendition of Neutral Milk Hotel's "In The Aeroplane Over T... more info

Fanfarlo + Wildbirds & Peacedrums in Brooklyn

5667 days ago
Persona Sauna One of my absolute favorite bands right now is Fanfarlo, as I've made it clear in previous posts. Last night I had the delightful opportunity to see them perform at The Bell House in Brooklyn. The setting was quaint, and the lighting was equally as ... more info


5686 days ago
Get WeirdLondon duo Jamie Paterson and Danny Ashenden aka The C90s formed over a mutual appreciation of disco beats, handclaps, cowbells and vocoders and their remix of ’Dirt’ from a twelve inch by Swiss producer Headman that dropped back in July... more info

Pet Peeve of the Day

5688 days ago
Lost In Your Inbox Simply put, I have a pet peeve about bands that make CDs and don't put any identifying information on the disc itself. If it becomes separated from the case, then you have to listen to it before you can figure out where to put it away. An... more info

An Open Letter To Pitchfork RE: Love Will Tear Us Apart Covers

5708 days ago
Radio ExileDear Mark Richardson, Okay, so let me start with this: I have no problem with you as a reviewer. You gave “In The Aeroplane Over The Sea” a 10.0 (…eventually), so really, we should be like best friends here. But I must say, giving Broken Soc... more info

tuesday afternoon updates

5738 days ago
Totally FuzzyPlankton said...Hospice by The Antlers - a record that harnesses the harrowing, beautiful truth familiar from Electro-Shock Blues and the stunning spectral obsessions of In The Aeroplane Over The Sea... Moodswings ... more info

Off to Oxegen…

5742 days ago
Nialler9If you’re heading down to the Oxegen, here are some recommendations for each day and don’t forgot my own DJ set on Sunday 3.20pm before Fever Ray in the Dance Tent. FRIDAY: Mumford & Sons, Cashier no.9, Fight Like Apes, Frankmusik, Aeroplane, Mog... more info

A Short Column About Music 7.09.09: Neutral Milk Hotel - In the Aeroplane Over the Sea

5743 days ago
411 ManiaIt's the final edition of A Short Column About Music, and we go out by looking at what I consider to be the greatest album ever recorded. more info

Eight Something - Put It In Your Ears for 07/03/09

5748 days ago
Radio ExileToday's Songs: White Rabbits - Percussion Gun @WHITE_RABBITS Aeroplane Pageant - Stars Still Pretty @apageant The Ginger Envelope - All Pinned Down more info

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