News — Francis Lawrence-directed clip took home Video of the Year at VMAs.By Adam Rosenberg
Lady Gaga at the 2010 Video Music Awards
Photo: Kevin Mazur/ Getty Images
As the top-nominated artist at Sunday night's 2010 MTV Video Music Awards, pop se... more info News — Gaga announced next album title, Born This Way, after taking home the night's big prize.By Rochell D. Thomas
Lady Gaga accepts the award for Video of the Year at the 2010 VMAs
Photo: Kevin Mazur/ Getty Images
Lady Gaga has done it again. Af... more info
Mjsbigblog —
Producer/Songwriter, Claude Kelly tweets, “In the studio with @LeeDewyze & Espionage. A song has been created. A good one. Lee is one cool f**ker. That’s all.”
Lee has also co-written with David Hodges and Kara Dioguardi. ... more info News — Brad Fischetti and Devin Lima have both stayed in the business since band split up in 2002.By Gil Kaufman
Photo: Arista
After his band's spotlight faded, LFO singer Rich Cronin, who passed away Wednesday, spent his time and appearing on... more info
Totally Fuzzy — Blog Stoned said...
-Arlo Guthrie - Hookaville 2000
-Rolling Stones - Have You Heard The Outtakes, Baby, Recorded In The Shadow
And much more at:
mike-floyd said...
... some more excellent homemade lo-fi psyc... more info
Starpulse — Happy Birthday to: Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry (1950) My Chemical Romance bassist Mikey Way (1980) Actor Ryan Phillippe (1974) "Donnie Darko" actor James Duval (1972) Actor Jonathon Schaech ... more info
TMZ — Filed under: Steven Tyler, Joe Perry, Music, American Idol, Celebrity Feuds
Joe Perry is continuing to blast his Aerosmith bandmate Steven Tyler over his new "American Idol" gig -- but now, Joe's done d... more info
Mjsbigblog —
After TMZ spilled a little scoop yesterday, the usual suspects, no doubt went scurrying for their own Idol news to report.
Here’s what E News came up with, and it’s pretty weak:
Randy Jackson is reportedly “locked in” for th... more info News — Stars' relationship is broken down on MTV special premiering this Saturday at 11 a.m.By Mawuse Ziegbe
Katy Perry and Russell Brand
Photo: Jeff Vespa/ Getty Images
Lots of craziness went down onstage at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards. Rappe... more info News — How do Detroit's Comerica Park and New York's Yankee Stadium measure up?By James Montgomery
New York's Yankee Stadium
Photo: Dave Gillum/ Diamond Images/ Getty Images
On Thursday night, Eminem and Jay-Z will kick off their Home and Home con... more info