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Richter Collective Singles Club launch

5721 days ago
Nialler9A bloody great night of music to be had tomorrow night in Twisted Pepper as Richter Collective launch their new club night with two of the best and loudest bands around Adebisi Shank and And So I Watch You From Afar. The Singles Club takes place on t... more info

HWCH launch vids

5750 days ago
Nialler9Popped along to the launch of Hard Working Class Heroes yesterday for their whistle-stop tour of indie record shops with a band playing in each venue. Biggles Flys Again, The Ambience Affair and the amazing And So I Watch You From Afar all played in ... more info

Nialler9 Interview Podcast - ASIWYFA

5790 days ago
Nialler9Holla folks.nbsp;This is Aoife Mc here.nbsp; Below you'll find a 40 minute podcast for your downloading pleasure.nbsp; It's along the theme of my last Irish based Nialler9 podcast, only this time we're focusing on one band.nbsp; The almighty And So I... more info

And So I Watch You From Afar: “WOAH!”

5819 days ago
Nialler9You’ve not likely forgotten the Irish acts hullabaloo in The Ticket and on Jim’s blog a few weeks back. Well just to stress what rude health Irish music is in at the moment. Here are the top 5 Irish albums I’ve heard so far this year, in no par... more info

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