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Book Notes - Christian McEwen "Sparks from the Anvil: The Smith College Poetry Interviews"

3564 days ago
LargeHeartedBoyIn the Book Notes series, authors create and discuss a music playlist that relates in some way to their recently published book. Previous contributors include Bret Easton Ellis, Kate Christensen, Kevin Brockmeier, T.C. Boyle, Dana Spiotta, Amy Bloom,... more info

Martyrdoom IV lineup & tickets (Mortuary Drape, Lvcifyre, Necrophobic, Black Anvil, Nightbringer, Vorde & more)

3655 days ago
Brooklyn Veganphoto: Mortuary Drape at MDF 2012 (more by Fred Pessaro) Returning for its fourth year, Signature Riff and Metal Kingdom's Martyrdoom festival is set to go down November 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 at Saint Vitus. The lineup includes... more info

Stardust fest returning to Saint Vitus w/ Taake, Tombs, Inter Arma, Mutilation Rites, Black Anvil, Fell Voices, more (on sale)

3658 days ago
Brooklyn Veganphoto: Tombs at Saint Vitus in 2014 (more by Greg Cristman) Metal festival Stardust returns for its fifth installment this June at Brooklyn's Saint Vitus from June 26-28. Night 1 has Taake, Fell Voices, Young and in the Way, Wolvhammer... more info

Lord Dying releasing a new LP on Relapse, touring w/ Anvil

3732 days ago
Brooklyn Veganby Andrew Sacher Portland sludgesters Lord Dying will release Poisoned Altars, the followup to their great 2013 debut on Relapse, Summon the Faithless, on January 27 via the same label. It was produced by Joel Grind of Toxic Holocaust, and... more info

Tombs & Black Anvil playing shows, NYC together (dates)

3735 days ago
Brooklyn VeganPhoto: Tombs @ Saint Vitus in December (more by Greg Cristman) Tombs had a busy 2014, releasing their excellent LP Savage Gold and playing a ton of live shows, most recently opening for Yob. They've got more dates announced... more info

Ghoul expand tour, playing Saint Vitus w/ Black Anvil (updated dates); Mastodon streaming 'Remission' reissue

3885 days ago
Brooklyn Veganby Ian Chainey Ghoul at MDF, 2012 (more by Fred Pessaro) Creepsylvanian crazies Ghoul have tacked on a few more shows to their upcoming jaunt with Black Anvil and Skeletonwitch. Their September trek will now be three shows longer --... more info

Anvil playing shows, including NYC; Metal Pistol too (dates)

3894 days ago
Brooklyn VeganBy Ian Chainey Anvil Famously down-on-their-luck Canadian heavy metallers Anvil will be playing select dates in October. The band featured in the feel-good redemption documentary Anvil: The Story Of Anvil -- I'm not crying, my computer is dusty -- ha... more info

Black Anvil played their new album live at Saint Vitus with Yellow Eyes, Fantom Warrior, and Psalm Zero (pics, video)

3903 days ago
Brooklyn Veganphotos by Greg Cristman, words by Ian Chainey Black Anvil @ Saint Vitus 7/20/2014 Blackened thrashers Black AnvilĀ celebrated their new album, Hail Death, by playing it in its entirety at NYC's Saint Vitus on Sunday (7/20). Bathed in red light... more info

What's going on Sunday (Black Anvil, Bill Nye, OOIOO, Tomboy, Hannibal Buress, Gigawatts Fest & more)

3906 days ago
Brooklyn VeganBlack Anvil @ Saint Vitus (more by Wyatt Marshall) Bill Nye @ Irving Plaza last night (photo by @livenationnyc) You can browse our full NYC show calendar for all of tonight's shows, but here are some highlights... OOIOO, Man Forever... more info

Black Anvil covered Kiss (listen), touring w/ Skeletonwitch & Ghoul after Vitus show (dates)

3908 days ago
Brooklyn VeganWe've had no lack of posts about Black Anvil's new album Hail Death that they'll be playing in its entirety at Saint Vitus in Brooklyn this Sunday (7/20), and earlier today we did a big KISS roundup that included... more info

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