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Album Review: Various Artists – The Music of Grand Theft Auto V

4168 days ago
Consequence of SoundReady to have your own virtual Burning Man and offroad through the desert to Aphex Twin? more info

Tom Trago (ft. Breach) – True Friends (video)

4185 days ago
Discobelle.netCheck out Tom Tragos recent mix for the 2013 edition of the Mixcloud: Celebration Of Curation Mix Series. “This mix is a selection of some of my all time favorite tracks (Carl Craig’s Sandstorm or Aphex Twin’s If It Really Is Me) as well as som... more info

This is Justin K. Broadrick’s Spotify Playlist

4234 days ago
MetalsucksFeaturing everything from Celtic Frost to Aphex Twin to Eric B. & Rakim.The post This is Justin K. Broadrick’s Spotify Playlist appeared first on MetalSucks. more info

(Mixtape) Jeremiah Jae signs to Warp & drops Bad Jokes mixtape

4242 days ago
Impose MagazineJeremiah Jae has been intent on making 2013 his year. Hardly a month has passed without Jae gracing our homepage with a free mixtape, remix project or cassette. Since the Black Jungle Radio series, Jae has been building towards a big announcement tha... more info

Deep Inside: Zomby 'With Love'

4281 days ago
XLR8RZomby's DIY PR strategy is some unholy alliance of Aphex Twin's pranksterism and Kanye West's egomania. Those with enough stamina to follow the technically anonymous English producer—now based in Brooklyn—on Twitter are treated to ... more info


4283 days ago
XLR8RR&S's reboot of Apollo, its chillout-room sub-label, has not exactly matched the vitality of the imprint's original run. Both labels have long been known for their range, but the new Apollo has degraded, barring a few exceptions, into a wal... more info


4302 days ago
XLR8RFrequently mentioned in the same breath as its contemporaries Aphex Twin, Autechre, LFO, et al, The Black Dog has been granted a kind of legendary status while remaining somewhat obscure to the "uninitiated." Something about the group's exacting... more info

Thom Yorke debuts unreleased solo material, Radiohead track in BBC Radio 1 mix

4383 days ago
Consequence of SoundTwo-hour mix also features music from DOOM, Aphex Twin, and Steve Reich. more info

Hapiness "Adventure"

4407 days ago
XLR8RSomewhere between Aphex Twin's more ambling early works and some all-out 8-bit madness lies "Happiness," a fresh cut from Baltimore producer Adventure's forthcoming LP for Carpark. On this particular tune, Adventure laces ceaselessly active... more info

Fanfares: GoGoPenguin – review

4476 days ago
Guardian Music(Gondwana Records)Manchester trumpeter Matthew Halsall's Gondwana Records has been documenting that city's vividly creative jazz scene – here he introduces GoGo Penguin, a young piano trio collecting a cult following in the region this year. The ba... more info

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