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Aidan Moffat releases Oh! What A Night Before Christmas

4863 days ago
DrownedInSoundReleased today, Oh! What A Night Before Christmas features a selection of festive numbers by the former Arab Strap man. Sadly this won't be out physically but as of today you can download it from his bandcamp page by bashing your mouse on this text w... more info

Clubs picks of the week

4873 days ago
Guardian MusicDeadmau5, LondonBack in 2006, Canadian producer Joel Zimmerman solved the problem of how to stage live dance music in a visually exciting way. Ever since donning his giant, laser-shooting mouse head to become Deadmau5, his star has been rising, to th... more info


4908 days ago
The Vinyl VillainSince the break-up of Arab Strap some five years ago Aidan Moffat has been a busy man.  And while there's been a handful of albums and mini-albums there has only been the one single back in 2009:-mp3 : Aidan Moffat & The Best-Ofs - Knock On The Wall... more info


4910 days ago
AltsoundsBe sure to keep this Friday night free in your diaries as Bill Wells and former Arab Strap man Aidan Moffat take the stage at The Kazimier for what's set to be an amazing gig. Friday 21st October 2011 BILL WELLS & AIDAN MOFFAT (Arab Strap) - LIVE Ai... more info

Why I love If You're Feeling Sinister

4932 days ago
Guardian MusicOur writers are picking their favourite albums. Here, Malcolm Jack writes about an album that will always feel like homeAppropriately enough for a band whose sheer bookishness winds people up, me and Belle and Sebastian got off on the wrong foot. In ... more info

(Eh...) Twilight Sad still makes songs

4939 days ago
Impose MagazineMuch like French accents and adultery, Scottish brogues can get away with stuff that normal American Joes couldn't dream of, at least when it comes to pop songs. Case in point, Arab Strap can fly that vocal track high above the rest of his bummer... more info

Listen: Aidan Moffat and Malcolm Middleton cover Slow Club

4988 days ago
DrownedInSoundAidan Moffat has always been good value, as have Slow Club. Chuck in Malcom Middleton and you've got something. Something that we're writing about. In short, Middleton and Moffat - formerly of Arab Strap - got together to record a cover of a new Slow... more info

LISTEN: Arab Strap Duo Cover Slow Club

4988 days ago
The QuietusMoffat & Middleton united by love for song more info

Prince Edward Island to release long awaited debut album.

5006 days ago
AltsoundsPrince Edward Island a London based outfit with a Scottish singer(they are also known for their work with John Mouse) their nuanced sound is redolent of everyone from Arab Strap to Belle and Sebastian and beyond.They release their long awaited alb... more info

Aidan Moffat and Bill Wells – review

5016 days ago
Guardian MusicPlatform, GlasgowDressed in khaki shorts and loose white shirt, streaks of silver in his beard, Aidan Moffat's feeling his age tonight. "I've got a sair back from touring, years of bending down picking up bottles," grumbles Falkirk's vulgar versifier... more info

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