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Indies Made Major Inroads on Billboard 200 Album Charts in 2010

5184 days ago
Spinner.comFiled under: Between the Notes Fans of the music an older generation used to call "college rock" are probably aware that both Arcade Fire and Vampire Weekend debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 album charts this year. It might be less widely know... more info

Arcade Fire: People Expected Us To Fail With 'The Suburbs'

5185 days ago
GigwiseWin Butler reveals... more info

Arcade Fire - Arcade Fire Expected To Fail?

5185 days ago
ContactMusicArcade Fire think people expect them to fail.The 'We Used To Wait' band were nervous as to the reception of their third album 'The Suburbs' - which was well received commercially and critically - and said they are always wary of keeping in perspectiv... more info

Constructing the top 10 list: Personal motives and justifications for picking the Arcade Fire

5185 days ago
L.A. Times - Pop & HissWhile constructing my Top 10 List of Best Albums for 2010, I couldn’t help but think about all the psychological factors that go into such an exercise. I’m not saying my Top 10 Motives exactly mirror my real music Top... more info

Oasis Have Two Albums In Q's 25-Year Poll

5185 days ago
Stopcryingyourheartout.comRadiohead's 1997 album 'OK Computer' has been named the best album of the past 25 years by music fans in a new poll in Q magazine.Radiohead also have three other albums in the Top 30: 'The Bends' (eighth), 'Kid A' (18th) and 'In Rainbows' (23rd).Paul... more info

411's Best Albums of 2010: Part 3, #15-1

5186 days ago
411 ManiaFrom Kanye West's My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy and Arcade Fire's The Suburbs to Eminem's Recovery, B.o.B.'s The Adventures of Bobby Ray, the Black Keys' Brother and more, 411 Music Zone finishes its look at the top 50 albums of 2010 with #15 dow... more info


5186 days ago
The Vinyl VillainI love going to gigs.There will be a posting over Xmas/New Year which will boast about how many different Glasgow venues I've paid into to see bands over the years - there were a few new ones added this past 12 months as well.But sometimes, for very ... more info

Jingle Blogs: Holiday Gifts Part 2

5186 days ago
melophobeDay two of musical gifts and I still got presents waiting in my bag! Hopefully you enjoyed part one of my gift-giving and are here to receive the second portion of holiday bounty that I have been reserving just for you. So never mind the bows and wra... more info

Hear Two Xmas Songs From Sufjan, The National, Arcade Fire

5186 days ago
StereogumThis is an off-year for Sufjan’s Xmas-album-release schedule, but the Dessner brothers of Bluzzbood, Ohio have helped bridge the gap this holiday season by leaking a couple of previously unheard yuletide treats via their guest DJ stint on the BBC 6... more info

Arcade Fire Grateful For Album-loving Fans

5189 days ago
ContactMusicArcade Fire are grateful to have not had "one pop radio hit".The 'Suburban War' group enjoy the fact their fans relate to their music as a whole rather than... more info

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