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Arcade Fire Redefines Music Videos With New Interactive Experience

5298 days ago
TopixIt's a shame that the Arcade Fire 's new, online interactive experience is just reaching the masses, because it would certainly make a strong push to win breakthrough video at September's MTV Video Music Awards . more info

Ask the indie professor: Are gender stereotypes still present in indie music?

5298 days ago
Guardian MusicIndie likes to pride itself on having an enlightened sense of gender relations. But that doesn't stop female audience members from being groped at showsI've often thought that indie kids try to purport a more enlightened sense of gender relations bet... more info

Katy Perry's Teenage Dream Ends Eminem's Chart Run

5298 days ago NewsFantasia's Back to Me lands at #2, pushing Em's Recovery to #3 on Billboard 200 albums chart.By Gil Kaufman Katy Perry's Teenage Dream Photo: Capitol Records All good things must come to an end and it looks like Katy Perry might be the one ... more info

Arcade Fire - Arcade Fire Worried For Audience

5298 days ago
ContactMusicArcade Fire are worried about being able to "connect" with fans when they perform at arenas on their present tour. The Canadian alternative group said they are... more info

Arcade Fire Release Amazing Interactive Video

5299 days ago
Undercover, AustraliaArcade Fire’s promised “interactive” video felt like a vapid, empty promise for something great that could only disappoint, but the end result is anything but. more info

Watch: Arcade Fire live at Hackney Empire

5299 days ago
DrownedInSoundHow many Arcade Fire videos have there been in the last few days? A lot, that's how many. Here's another, by the way, and if not the best of the lot, it's still actually quite decent. It's of the band performing at Hackney Empire the other week. The ... more info

Light Pollution

5299 days ago
Music For AntsPygmalion Festival is less then a month a way and I’ve as been catching up some of the lesser-known bands playing this year, I was introduced to Chicago-based psych-rock band Light Pollution. The band combines driving, anthemic indie rock in the ve... more info

Interactive Video For Arcade Fire’s We Used To Wait

5299 days ago
We All Want Someone To Shout ForIt’s pretty amazing to see what technology can do these days. Arcade Fire’s new album, The Surburbs, is all about our childhood homes in the suburbs. So for their music video/film for “We Used To Wait” the band took this idea literally by tea... more info

Arcade Fire's interactive multi-window new video...

5299 days ago
Brooklyn VeganWe Used to Wait (The Wilderness Downtown) pretty cool. -- The band's latest set of tour dates, and more info on the video, below...... more info

Arcade Fire - Arcade Fire Thrill Fans With Innovative Video

5299 days ago
ContactMusicCanadian rockers ARCADE FIRE have released an innovative new music video which allows fans to incorporate pictures of their own hometown into the promo.The band has teamed... more info

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