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Flaming Lips' Dark Side Of The Moon Out Tuesday

5558 days ago
Stereogum Festivals curated, Arcade Fire beefed, great record released, pants optional: that's how you have a year. And before the page turns on 2009, the Flaming Lips are adding to that list of distinctions with one more bit via Tuesday's iTunes release of... more info

40 albums that defined the decade

5558 days ago
Live DailyTen years, 40 albums. Not necessarily the biggest sellers, the best-reviewed or year-end list-toppers, but the ones that had an impact on music, the business or culture.These are the albums of the '00s that signified the arrival of new voices, new wa... more info

Owen Pallett drops Final Fantasy name over computer game copyright

5558 days ago
NMELast Shadow Puppets, Arcade Fire collaborator to use his own name from now on more info

Robyn Remixes El Perro Del Mar

5559 days ago
StereogumThe lovable pop of Love Is Not Pop may have been somewhat overlooked this year, although El Perro Del Mar's got fans in high places helping to rectify the situation with folks from Beirut, Fuck Buttons, and Arcade Fire singling out Sarah Assbring's s... more info

Yeasayer spills 'Blood' on spring tour

5559 days ago
Live DailyIndie rockers Yeasayer [ tickets ] have mapped a spring North American headlining tour to help support the band's forthcoming sophomore studio set, "Odd Blood." The Brooklyn-based group will visit 27 cities on the trek, which kicks off April 3 in ... more info

TLC’s Best of the Noughties: 2005

5561 days ago
Tastes Like CaramelIn my opinion 2005 marked a turning point for music, the evolution of a new sphere of influence.  Artists like M.I.A., Madonna, Bloc Party and Goldfrapp pushed pop music into a much-welcomed harder electronic direction while Arcade Fire [released ... more info

Arcade Fire Working with Markus Dravs Again

5561 days ago
Silent UproarMarcus Mumford revealed to BBC that Arcade Fire have teamed up with Markus Dravs, who engineered Neon Bible, for their new album. Reportedly, Dravs has been working with the band for "about six months." [] more info

New band of the day - No 690: Surfer Blood

5561 days ago
Guardian MusicThese West Palm Beach indie rockers surf the zeitgeist (if not the waves) with their percussive lo-fi medley soundHometown: West Palm Beach, Florida.The lineup: John Paul Pitts (vocals, guitar), Tyler Schwarz (drums), Thomas Fekete (guitar), Marcos M... more info

[Hypeworthy] Young Man: "Just a Growin" & "Five"

5562 days ago
I Guess I'm FloatingComing out of St. Paul, Minnesota is 20-year-old Colin Caulfield who records under the name Young Man. Despite a variety of cover videos on YouTube and a few excellent originals streaming from his myspace page, Caulfield has gained minimal attention... more info

Arctic Monkeys Live at Terminal 5

5564 days ago
We All Want Someone To Shout ForLast night, I just may have seen the greatest concerts of my entire life. I’ve seen the likes of Radiohead, (who are right next to this show, by mere inches!) Coldplay, Arcade Fire, but seeing the Arctic Monkeys at Terminal 5 last night, just may b... more info

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