DrownedInSound — Hey there. Welcome to a freshly baked edition of DiS Does Singles. This week Alex Turner is consumed with all sorts of sordid thoughts, Drake is down in the am-dram doldrums and Local Natives have created a canine-themed video for one of the finest t... more info
Chorus.fm — *Arctic Monkeys* (https://www.facebook.com/ArcticMonkeys?fref=ts) have released (http://www.arcticmonkeys.com/news.php?id=585) a new song called "Do I Wanna Know." Head to the replies to check it out.
Submitted by Sumluver more info
Let's Get Cynical — While my trip to Berlin last weekend wasn’t my first (see here for a review of Arctic Monkeys’ show in the city two years ago), it was the first time I’ve spent a lot of time in the city on … Continue reading →
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Prefix — Photos of the Sasquatch Music Festival Day 1 at The Gorge Amphitheater in Washington on Friday, May 24, 2013.
Read the full article at http://www.prefixmag.com/photos/sasquatch-music-festival-day-1-pics/ more info