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the sytlish Vampire Weekend played Radio City Music Hall w/ Beach House & Dum Dum Girls (pics)

5289 days ago
Brooklyn Veganphotos by Jessica Amaya "Beach House killllllllllllled it, radio city music hall is gorgeous" - Luisa Opalesky "So turns out that Beach House is an incredible live band - made braving the teen-prep vampire weekend crowds worthwhile~" - Sam Thurman... more info

[Photos] Vampire Weekend + Beach House @ In the Venue

5295 days ago
The Yellow StereoProper review to come later once I get back from work tonight. Let’s just say for now that it was a great night, and both bands absolutely killed.  All of this despite an extremely bad handling of the long line to get into the show, which resulted... more info

Ask the indie professor: Are gender stereotypes still present in indie music?

5304 days ago
Guardian MusicIndie likes to pride itself on having an enlightened sense of gender relations. But that doesn't stop female audience members from being groped at showsI've often thought that indie kids try to purport a more enlightened sense of gender relations bet... more info

Autre Ne Veut: "New Depth" / "New Depth (Kingdom Remix)"

5311 days ago
Pitchfork - ForkcastOut-there warped-soul enigma Autre Ne Veut will put out a self-titled album digitally August 30 and September 3 on vinyl, courtesy of Olde English Spelling Bee and Upstairs, the label run by Oneohtrix Point Never's Daniel Lopatin. Check out a night-l... more info

Listen: Newish Beach House track - 'White Moon'

5312 days ago
DrownedInSoundA newish Beach House track! Read the full story on more info

[new] Beach House – White Moon

5312 days ago
We All Want Someone To Shout ForToday Beach House released a new live EP from their iTunes Sessions. It features reworkings of 5 songs, along with a new song called “White Moon”. As expected, it’s a top tune that features fine harmonies and lovely transitions. Would you expec... more info

Beach House: "White Moon"

5312 days ago
Pitchfork - ForkcastPhoto by Jason Nocito Baltimore dreamers Beach House sound a whole lot different live than they do on record, especially when they're working with their recently expanded live lineup. So even if you don't like paying for the same songs twice, Beach H... more info

Beach House – “White Moon”

5312 days ago
StereogumVictoria and Alex have always shined live — our first night with them was cross-legged under the Christmas lights of Cake Shop during CMJ four years ago, where the small but stuff room of critics were instantly converted — though on the back of T... more info

Beach House Gets Remixed

5318 days ago
Persona Sauna Skinny Friedman has added some drums and kick so you can now dance to one of everyone's favorite bands.Beach House - Norway (Skinny Friedman Edit) more info

Beach House announce winter UK tour and ticket details

5318 days ago
NMEBaltimore band set for November gig-run more info

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