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Sasquatch 2009 Lineup Announced

5866 days ago
A Walking Disast3rNever have made it out to this festival, but this lineup looks pretty promising, take into effect it is held at one of the nations most majestic venues (Red Rocks still rules), stay tuned for more info.Music line-up includes Jane's Addiction (feat. a... more info

Bjork Releasing Double CD + More

5866 days ago
Spinner.comFiled under: News Today, Oh Boy!Bjork will release a double-CD, double-DVD, titled 'Voltaic,' this March, though pre-ordering is already available. The release includes 'Volta' remixes, as well as live footage from Paris and Reykjavick, Iceland.Grizz... more info

Mad Many SXSW Tunes

5869 days ago
Panda ToesIn case y'all don't know, the ever-incredible SXSW goes down in just a shade over a month. What's more, the festival just announced its official showcases. And it just so happens that they posted up a boatload of tracks to convince y'all that rolling... more info

Grizzly Bear Reveal Veckatimest Cover, Tracklist

5870 days ago
PitchforkThis is one of 2009's big ones, kids. On May 26, Warp will release the long-awaited follow-up to Yellow House, the breakout album from Grizzly Bear, Brooklyn's finest purveyors of cavernous whisper-sigh experimental rock. Neoclassical composer Nico ... more info

Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest [cover]

5870 days ago
8/126 Mayıs'ta çıkacak yeni Grizzly Bear albüm kapağı belli oldu. Albüme destek verenler ise hayli şahane isimler. Son zamanlarda en güzel albümlerde yer alan Nico Muhly ve Beach House harikası Victoria LegrandVeckatime... more info

The Run Down - February 13, 2009

5870 days ago
Pasta Primavera Every body’s day of unluck has arrived full of black cats, shattered mirrors, and sidewalks full of ladders to walk under.  How about avoiding all that crap and go to some shows?  There’s a ton!  First here in Baltimore the Metro Gall... more info

thursday night updates

5871 days ago
Totally FuzzyDeaf, Dumb, Blind said...Adorable - Against Perfection (1993)Adorable - Fake (1994)Silver - White Diary (2004)Shriekback - Oil & Gold (1985)Skyphone - Fabula (2004)Kahimi Karie - Kahimi Karie (1998) Josh said...The Deuce ... more info

Grizzly Bear Reveal Album Title

5874 days ago
PitchforkWhen Grizzly Bear released their much-loved 2006 LP Yellow House, maybe the world wasn't quite ready for their specific kind of fractured fragility. But since that time, Fleet Foxes have taken a variation on their churchy close-harmony prettiness st... more info

Grizzly Bear Reveal Album Title

5874 days ago
PitchforkWhen Grizzly Bear released their much-loved 2006 LP Yellow House, maybe the world wasn't quite ready for their specific kind of fractured fragility. But since that time, Fleet Foxes have taken a variation on their churchy close-harmony prettine... more info

The Walkmen/Beach House/Johnny And The Moon @ Henry Fonda Theater, Los Angeles 1/20/09

5893 days ago
StereogumWhile the Obamas were busy party hopping in D.C., the Walkmen were toasting the new age in American politics with a show at Los Angeles's Henry Fonda Theater. Hamilton dedicated "The New Year" and its "I know that it's true, it's gonna be a good year... more info

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