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Paris Hilton Redecorates Benji Madden Goth Mansion

6032 days ago
Pop Crunch Oh dear. Home decor is going to be a problem if Paris Hilton and Benji Madden ever move in together. The odd couple hit a bump in the road recently after the heiress insisted on redecorating Benji’s gothic Glendale, California mansion. “Benji h... more info

Benji Doubles As Paris' Bitch

6034 days ago
TMZFiled under: Wacky & Weird, Paris Hilton Benji Madden pulled double shift yesterday -- getting to act as both Paris Hilton's boytoy and her own personal paparazzi-wrangler. See Also Paris Exposes Herself Pap to Benji -- Do You Like It Rou... more info

Celebs News: Paris Hilton puts those baby rumours to rest

6035 days ago
The MirrorParis Hilton has finally scuppered rumours that she is expecting a baby with rocker boyfriend Benji Madden.   Talking last night to top Los Angeles-based showbiz website Hollyscoop she said: "You know right now I'm just focusing on my busines... more info

Paris, Not France Doesn't Need a New BFF After All

6036 days ago
PopSugarAttached at the hip as usual, Paris Hilton and Benji Madden synced up in black and white for a date at Il Sole in LA last night. After recently denying rumors that she was seeing someone else, Paris once again gushed about going strong six months lat... more info

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