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The Beyonce Biting Saga Continues As Chrissy Teigen Leads Stars Speaking Out

2539 days ago NewsOne actress has even admitted to being the fangs behind the bite. more info

Sarah Michelle Gellar “admits” that she is Beyoncé’s mystery biter

2539 days ago
NME 'Buffy' star jokingly responds to Beyoncé biter controversy Sarah Michelle Gellar, Beyonce Sarah Michelle Gellar has admitted that she bit Beyoncé – although her admission of guilt appears to be entirely in jest. Fans …Continue reading Â... more info

Who bit Beyoncé? Mystery takes over social media

2539 days ago
Guardian Music‘Bite-gate’, which allegedly took place at an LA party, has sent internet sleuths into a frenzyActor Tiffany Haddish’s claim that she once witnessed another actor biting Beyoncé on the face has sparked a social media hunt for t... more info

Beyonce Insecure In Marriage! Biting Culprit Uncovered!! AND…

2539 days ago
Perez HiltonWarning: getting through today's news me be hard with the distraction that is this chunky co-host! Too cute!! But, lots to get through! The very latest on Beyonce bitegate! Stormy Daniels! Angelina Jolie's new man! And much more, including Britney Sp... more info

Beyonce's First On the Run II Costume Might Be This Custom, $20,000 Jumpsuit! (Exclusive)

2539 days ago
ET OnlineDesigner to the stars Mark Zunino exclusively tells ET what it's like working with Queen Bey -- and who else he wants to dress! more info

Beyonce Mystery Biter is Sanaa Lathan, According to Tiffany Haddish Sources

2540 days ago
TMZWe know who the biter is in the Beyonce mystery ... we're told it's none other than Sanaa Lathan. Multiple sources tell TMZ, Tiffany Haddish has told multiple people the culprit is Sanaa.    One source said it was not an aggressive bite… more info

TMZ Live Chrissy Teigen: I Know Who Bit Beyonce!

2540 days ago
TMZON TODAY'S SHOW Stormy Daniels Parties After Big Interview Parkland Leader David Hogg Rejected By Colleges? Pam Anderson: Supports Son In War With Tommy Lee Prince: The Secret Toxicology Report more info

Chrissy Teigen Is Taking Beyonce Biter's Name to the Grave

2540 days ago
TMZChrissy Teigen knows who bit Beyonce on the face but she's not ready to give up the culprit just yet ... out of love. Chrissy's been dropping more than a few hints she knows who dunnit, ever since Tiffany Haddish recounted the… more info

Who Bit Beyonce? Fans investigate claims star was bitten on face

2540 days ago
BBC News - UKTwo actresses have already denied biting Beyonce on the face following speculation from the Beyhive. more info

Beyonce bite drama: Sara Foster and actress Sanaa Lathan hit back at the beehive

2540 days ago
The Daily MailTiffany Haddish sparked a Twitter frenzy this week after her relevation that a mystery actress bit Beyonce's face at a party. more info

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