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Justin Vernon Narrates UFO Documentary Trailer

2917 days ago
Chorus.fmJustin Vernon of Bon Iver narrates the new trailer for The Dundee Project. more info

6 acts added to Forbidden Fruit: Booka Shade, Fatima Yamaha..

2923 days ago
Nialler9 6 new acts were added to Forbidden Fruit Festival today for the festival on from Saturday 3rd to Monday 5th Juneat The Royal Hospital Kilmainham in Dublin. Booka Shade, Tycho, Jax Jones, Hot Chip (DJ Set), Fatima Yamaha and Snakehips Headliners... more info

10 Artists Who Need to Curate a Music Festival

2927 days ago
Consequence of SoundBon Iver, Wilco, Chance the Rapper, and Gorillaz aren't the only ones who deserve a party. more info

Boston Calling 2017 day-by-day lineups

2930 days ago
Brooklyn VeganChance the Rapper, Bon Iver, Sigur Ros and Solange all on one day; Tool, Weezer, Run the Jewels, Converge, Piebald, and Wolf Parade all on one day. Continue reading… more info

Premature Evaluation: Dirty Projectors Dirty Projectors

2944 days ago
StereogumDirty Projectors' first new album in five years is stunningly evocative and wildly inventive, the sort of boundary-pushing album that comes along pretty infrequently. (Bon Iver's 22, A Million is one in recent memory; Art Angels another.) Oddly e... more info

Is Chance The Rapper About To Get Corny?

2946 days ago
StereogumThe Best New Artist Grammy award has a fascinating and bizarre history. The Beatles won it. Bob Newhart won it. Bon Iver won it. Bette Midler won it. Christopher Cross won it. Milli Vanilli won it and then had to give it back when the world found out... more info

Forbidden Fruit add Moderat, Maceo Plex, Motor City Drum Ensemble, NAO, KiNK & Mall Grab

2951 days ago
Nialler9 A bunch of tiers of Forbidden Fruit tickets went on sale yesterday and some sold out very quickly. With headliners Flying Lotus, Bon Iver, Aphex Twin and Orbital, already announced, the organisers announced more names today including: more info

Orchestral Mashups

2954 days ago
Chorus.fmStereo Hideout does these really cool mashups of classical music with pop music. And they’re not just remixes, but actual new arrangements played an orchestra and recorded. Some of my favorites are Copland v. Bon Iver, Brahms v. Radiohead, and Beet... more info

Aphex Twin is the latest act announced for Forbidden Fruit

2955 days ago
Nialler9 After last week’s reveal of Orbital as Saturday headliners, today it’s been announced that Aphex Twin return to play Forbidden Fruit and headline the Sunday night after playing the festival’s inaugural outing back in 2011. That adds to th... more info

Fionn Regan returns with new single; watch the new video starring Cillian Murphy

2959 days ago
Nialler9 Fionn Regan will release his first album in five years this April 14th. The Meetings of the Waters arrives after Regan’s song was recently sampled on Bon Iver’s 22 A Million album, which resulted in the pair playing together at Berlin’s M... more info

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