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Album review: Spoon's 'Transference'

5536 days ago
L.A. Times - Pop & HissSpoon asks some big questions early in "Transference." On the album's second track, lead singer Britt Daniel and drummer Jim Eno work up a frenzy pondering "Is Love Forever?" At only two minutes, the song doesn't answer the query posed... more info

An audience with Brian Eno

5538 days ago
Guardian MusicHe's been a Roxy original, the inventor of 'ambient', Bowie's muse, the brain in Talking Heads and U2's 'fifth man'. Now Eno tells us where he's heading nextWhen influential music website Pitchfork listed its 100 greatest albums of the 1970s –... more info

Readers recommend: Unsettling songs

5540 days ago
Guardian MusicLast week was all about heading downstream. This time, we want you to suggest songs that push you out of your comfort zoneIt turned out to be an unusual week. The augurs were there when comments were set to close in 2009, a gaffe for which I'd like t... more info

Spoon: Transference | CD review

5540 days ago
Guardian Music(Anti-)John Peel's description of the Fall - "always different, always the same" - might equally apply to the Austin, Texas band Spoon, who have made it to seven albums without any significant variation in high quality. Leader Britt Daniel is a maste... more info

No Oscar Hope For Karen O & Kids, Brian Eno

5549 days ago
StereogumKaren has a Golden Globe nom, but her WTWTA work has been snubbed from Best Original Score Oscar contention, likely for its "predominant use of songs." As for Eno's The Lovely Bones? He just couldn't be bothered with the publicity campaign. (via 24bi... more info

Karen O’s “Wild Things,” Eno’s “Lovely Bones” Scores Ineligible for Oscars

5549 days ago
Rolling StoneA trio of acclaimed film scores on Rolling Stone’s radar — Karen O and Carter Burwell’s Where the Wild Things Are, Brian Eno’s The Lovely Bones and T Bone Burnett and Stephen Bruton’s Crazy Heart — have all been ruled ineligible for Best ... more info

New Song : Via Audio : Babies

5569 days ago
My Old KentuckyVia Audio caused a nice little stir when they released their debut album, Say Something, a couple years ago. They had indie heavyweights like Spoon's Jim Eno and DCFC's Chris Walla in there corner. Eno producing both the debut and this new release ... more info

MUSIC INDUSTRY: Untouchable: What a Collector Loses (and Gains) in the Age of Music Downloading

5572 days ago
All About JazzPiles of CDs surround me. I have been feeding them into my computer to suck the music out of them. And then I pack them away. My Mac does not discriminate. Dufay or du Pre, Eno or Ellington, the computer digests them each with the same chipper whir,... more info

Why I love soundtracks, by John Savage

5574 days ago
Guardian MusicA new compilation highlights the ability of soundtracks to evoke memories of films you've seen, or to pique interest in those you should haveSoundtrack albums are the hidden pleasures of pop. Composed and performed to accompany moving images, they're... more info

John Paul Jones: Led Zeppelin's best-kept secret

5575 days ago
Guardian MusicJohn Paul Jones's career since Led Zeppelin has featured some impressive collaborations, none more so than his work with Dave Grohl and Josh Homme in Them Crooked VulturesWhen he was the bassist with globe-bestriding hedonists Led Zeppelin, John Paul... more info

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