Big Apple Music Scene — Admittedly, I haven't been the biggest Britney Spears fan of late. That doesn't mean I don't respect her place in pop culture history, and the fact that I associate several of her songs with various defining moments of my youth. More »Watching Thi... more info
E! Online — It's nice to know that Britney Spears isn't asking for much for Christmas.
"What do I want Santa to bring me?—I have everything," the pop princess exclusively told...
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E! Online — Britney Spears' kids may be getting ready for their close-ups.
The princess of pop tells me that her sons Preston, 8, and Jayden, 7, will probably go into show...
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E! Online — Celebrities are lining up to get a piece of Britney Spears.
Sources tell me celebs will be flocking to the opening of the pop star's new Las Vegas show, Britney Spears: Piece of Me,...
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Topix — Britney Spears Shares a Pic of Her Hot Body From Video Shoot Posted by AJ Grey on 12.17.2013 Discounting claims of Photoshopping... Here's Britney Spears posting a behind-the-scenes pic of herself shooting the music video to "Work Bitch" in order to ... more info
L.A. Times - Pop & Hiss — Spears' latest album, "Britney Jean" landed at No. 4 after it logged the weakest first week sales of her entire career. What happened?When Britney Spears releases an album its an event powered by dizzying promo plugs and more hype than even Gaga's be... more info
Big Apple Music Scene — Well guys I have good news and I have bad news. The bad news is, Britney Spears' newest album Britney Jean has just become the lowest-charting of her career. But the good news is, with her eighth album underselling her first one, Britney's team might... more info