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Miracles Of Modern Science Music Review

5923 days ago
Pasta Primavera When I listen to Miracles Of Modern Science’s debut EP, I can’t help but think to myself, “This is how music is supposed to be.”  Floating somewhere between the pop styles of Ra Ra Riot and the everything else sound of Broken Social Sce... more info

The Happiness Project from Charles Spearin

5924 days ago
Silent UproarCharles Spearin of Broken Social Scene and Do Make Say Think will release a solo album, The Happiness Project, on February 14th via Arts & Crafts. For the album, Spearin interviewed a number of people about the subject of happiness and then attempted... more info

Broken Social Scenesters Boost Charles Spearin Solo LP

5928 days ago
PitchforkEvery summer, the kids come out to play around the home of Broken Social Scene/Do Make Say Think's Charles Spearin, and the older folks hit the porch to visit. When the weather turns warm and the block brims over with juvenile joy and residential res... more info

Broken Social Scenesters Boost Charles Spearin Solo LP

5928 days ago
PitchforkEvery summer, the kids come out to play around the home of Broken Social Scene/Do Make Say Think's Charles Spearin, and the older folks hit the porch to visit. When the weather turns warm and the block brims over with juvenile joy and residentia... more info

Broken Social Scene - Atlanta, GA - Variety Playhouse - 11/19/08

5928 days ago
Paste Magazine Photos taken by Stephen Lindley at Variety Playhouse more info

Raconteurs, Metallica, MMJ on Bonnaroo DVD

5928 days ago
PitchforkRemember Bonnaroo, dude? Yeah? Aw man, you must not've really been there, then. We'll spare you the burnout logic and, instead, point permafried attendees of the annual lovefest to Live From Bonnaroo 2008, a DVD compiling highlights from the most rec... more info

Raconteurs, Metallica, MMJ on Bonnaroo DVD

5928 days ago
PitchforkRemember Bonnaroo, dude? Yeah? Aw man, you must not've really been there, then. We'll spare you the burnout logic and, instead, point permafried attendees of the annual lovefest to Live From Bonnaroo 2008, a DVD compiling highlights from th... more info

The Happiness Project

5929 days ago
Rock SelloutI’m fascinated by bands who can use the power of their lyrics not only with meaning but also with the actual tones and inflection of each word. I’ve always found language to have an inherently musical nature, and apparently I’m n... more info

Death Cab, Broken Social Scene, Girl Talk Do Langerado

5929 days ago
PitchforkLangerado Music Festival, the perennial early bird on the yearly festival circuit, has announced the initial lineup for its seventh annual event.So far, that lineup includes Death Cab for Cutie, Snoop Dogg, Public Enemy, Broken Social Scene, Ryan Ada... more info

Death Cab, Broken Social Scene, Girl Talk Do Langerado

5929 days ago
PitchforkLangerado Music Festival, the perennial early bird on the yearly festival circuit, has announced the initial lineup for its seventh annual event.So far, that lineup includes Death Cab for Cutie, Snoop Dogg, Public Enemy, Broken Social Scene, Ryan Ada... more info

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