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New band of the day – No 807: Ollie Wride

5386 days ago
Guardian MusicThough not as magnificently OTT as their heroes Scissor Sisters and Daft Punk, these aspiring electro-poppers are not far offHometown: London.The lineup: Ollie Wride (vocals), Josh Dally (guitar), Poppy Kavanagh (bass), James Cross (drums).The backgr... more info

GRUM - Move Over Mylo, Wherever You Are

5446 days ago
NME - RadarI miss Mylo. What ever happened to that wee scamp? You can't underestimate what he did, albeit briefly. But that lad ignited a dancefloor taper that very quickly scorched through the boutique dance geek dives, into the 3k capacity suburban superclubs... more info

Frontiers Records to release the new ASIA album “OMEGA”

5494 days ago
AltsoundsASIA, rock’s first important super-group of the 80s - featuring members from Yes, Emerson Lake & Palmer, King Crimson and The Buggles – will release Omega, its highly anticipated new album of original material. The record is due in ... more info


5500 days ago
Altsounds30 years on, Salvo - Union Square Music's collector's label announces the definitive edition of an early 80s classic. Adventures In Modern Recording is the legendary, 'lost' second album from The Buggles. Never before released on CD, thi... more info


5541 days ago
The Vinyl VillainWelcome to the first in the new series which features guest postings from a small team of correspondents. Today's words of wisdom come from John Greer, currently residing in East Lothian in Scotland, but someone who was born and raised on the other s... more info

Smylonylon 30 (the last one ever) + In Flagranti + Fabric

5675 days ago
Dalston Oxfam ShopSo here it is. The last Smylonylon mixtape ever made. This doesn't mean I won't post any more earlier ones, but this is a very special one. As I've said before, Smylonylon tapes were a series of special tapes made of rare 60s-80s pop, moog music, ... more info

THE CLASS OF '79 (Part 25)

5695 days ago
The Vinyl Villain I don't remember this single actually having a picture sleeve. I do remember it being very popular among 16 year-olds at the weekly disco in a church hall that I'm happy to admit I would enjoy myself most times, even if very few of the records I own... more info

Label of love: ZTT

5706 days ago
Guardian MusicMasterminded by music journalist Paul Morley, ZTT was in its brief golden age as intoxicatingly collectible as any imprint before or sinceIt's great to see Paul Morley experimenting with modern media these days, but the ex-NME journalist was actually... more info

Vote For Oasis As MTV's Greatest Superstar

5708 days ago
Stopcryingyourheartout.com1981: The year that saw the demise of Punk, the birth of New Romanticism, the rise of the CD, the death of Bob Marley, and John Lennon’s message for “the world to live as one” top the charts world-wide with the posthumously-release... more info

Was 1979 the last great year for pop?

5711 days ago
Guardian MusicWe had Ian Dury, Pink Floyd, the mods, 2 Tone … now we have X Factor and High School Musical. Oh dearDoes pop music matter now, or has it turned into pap? I find myself increasingly asking this question, and fear that I'm becoming an archetypal... more info

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