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Rubina Ali - Slumdog Rubina Ali Confirms Her Home Burnt Down In Blaze

5118 days ago
ContactMusicSlumdog Millionaire star Rubina Ali has confirmed her family home has burnt down during a fire in Mumbai, India, destroying awards she earned for her role in the 2008 film. The actress was forced to flee the Garib Nagar slum as the blaze, which ca... more info

Ambulance LTD :: Arbuckle’s Swan Song

5136 days ago
Aquarium DrunkardWith “Arbuckle’s Swan Song,” Brooklyn’s defunct genre-benders, Ambulance LTD, somehow teleport back to Los Angeles, circa 1975, expertly capturing a whiff of the city’s laissez-faire hedonism. Culled from the band’s New English EP, the tr... more info


5200 days ago
MetalsucksHopefully Dave Witte needs no introduction to MS readers, but for those who don’t already know him, he is a hardcore/death metal legend that’s been dropping jaws for nearly twenty years as the drummer for bands that include Municipal Waste, Black... more info

The Mountain Goats’ “All Eternals Deck” Is Metal

5205 days ago
melophobeYeah, you read the headline right. The Mountain Goats are releasing a “metal” album, and it shall rise from the depths of hell on March 29 and be called All Eternals Deck. John Darnielle posted on their website today to give some insight on the a... more info

Poly Styrene, rock's original riot grrrl, plans to bondage up Christmas

5211 days ago
Guardian MusicX-Ray Spex singer – a cult figure revered by Kathleen Hanna, Kim Gordon and Karen O – is making an timely comebackBack in 1978, if you were into punk, you wore safety pins, bondage trousers and a snarl. Or at least, you did – unless you were Po... more info

Ricki Lake Opens Up To Oprah About Her Burnt Down House

5232 days ago
Perez HiltonRicki Lake went on Oprah yesterday to talk about the fire that destroyed her Malibu house this summer, but fortunately didn't hurt anyone. Here's what Ricki had to say about it: "My nine year old went and got his brother and saved him… Unfortunatel... more info

Suck it, Leno!

5235 days ago
Pop BytesSo Conan O'Brien made his return to television last night (*Hold for applause*) on his new TBS show, Conan , and in true form, the man was charming, hilarious, and still pretty pissed off at NBC for throwing him under the bus for some moon-faced d... more info

the final thursday batch of updates

5240 days ago
Totally FuzzyTongue said... THE SCENE IS NOW - The Oily Years (1983-1993) EARLY DAY MINERS - Let Us Garlands Bring EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT - Experimental Aircraft fuzzlove... simon2307 said... Slaid Cleaves - Live Mp3s Slaid Cl... more info

Justin Timberlake Spreads Fears That He's Burnt Out on Music

5275 days ago
PopeaterFiled under: Movie News, Music News, WTF, Justin Timberlake Justin Timberlake isn't done with music yet, but he's not in a rush to get back until it feels right. "Does a painter make a painting because he has to make it by December 21st?" Timberla... more info

Brian Wilson :: L.A. Smog (Spoken Word)

5285 days ago
Aquarium DrunkardThe first track on last month’s Still Burnt (LA Burnout pt. 2) is a meandering Brian Wilson vocal rap taken from an old 70s interview. His ‘thoughts’ on the Los Angeles smog problem are placed over a bed of music (the High Llamas). Here is the ... more info

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