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HAUNTS- remix and single news

5979 days ago
Altsounds*Haunts have a few strings to their bows- not only are they a brilliant dark and brooding bunch raised on a diet of Prince, Talking Heads and Gang of Four; they are talented re-mix masters as well! Haunts have been commissioned to *do re-mixes for Th... more info

HAUNTS- remix and single news

5979 days ago
Altsounds*Haunts have a few strings to their bows- not only are they a brilliant dark and brooding bunch raised on a diet of Prince, Talking Heads and Gang of Four; they are talented re-mix masters as well! Haunts have been commissioned to *do re-mixes for Th... more info

Diplo Compiles Daft Punk, M.I.A., Spoon, CSS Remixes

5981 days ago
PitchforkDiplo will release a compilation called Decent Work for Decent Pay: Collected Works: Volume One worldwide on January 26 via Big Dada/Ninja Tune. True to Diplo's eclectic and collaborative form, the disc is loaded with original tracks and remixes he h... more info

Michael Cragg: The songs that are too rude for iTunes

5983 days ago
Guardian MusicHere's a game we can all play at home. All you need is a an internet connection, the iTunes software and a little imagination (a puerile one, at that). Go to the search tool in the top right hand corner and start typing in swear words, any that come ... more info

friday evening updates again

5985 days ago
Totally Fuzzyarmeur H said... an unnecessary blog with music inside. the new : Stereolab - Emperor Tomato Ketchup Acid Mother Temple - In C (Terry Riley) Cansei de Ser Sexy - A onda mortal (the first album,... [Visit the blog for the full post] more info

CSS Hock Halloween Ideas

5987 days ago
Spinner.comFiled under: News, Halloween is one week away, but if you're stuck for a costume idea, look no further than the archive of Brazil's CSS."LoveFoxx dressed up as a fried egg," CSS guitarist Luiza Sa tells Spinner of one her singe... more info

Coldplay - Violet Hill (MP3), CSS - Rat Is Dead (Rage)(MP3), The Radio Dept. - Freddie and the Trojan Horse (MP3), more

6163 days ago
Between Thought and ExpressionColdplay - Violet Hill (click and sign up to download) "If you love me, won't you let me know?" The first single from their forthcoming LP, 'Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends', is available on their website. Well, I suppose I've ignored Cold... more info

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