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Cass McCombs

5840 days ago
The Music FixNews: Cass McCombs releases his beautiful new album CATACOMBS on Monday the 1st of June 2009. Like his previous LP Dropping The Writ, CATACOMBS possesses that rare ability to attack both the listener's heart with its melodies and textures, and head ... more info

Aaron LaCrate And The Resurgence Of 'Baltimore Club'

5850 days ago
NME - RadarProving once and for all that drugs and violence are both very cool individually, and that when put together they're an indestructibly edgy intertwined force of coolness, Baltimore has risen to staggering levels of hip cache of the past 12 months or ... more info

Cass McCombs Looks Ahead to PREfection

5868 days ago
Obscure SoundThe process of discovering artists can often turn into a domino effect, where reading into the origins of one artist leads to the discovery of another. This fortunate scenario is one of the reasons why I attempt to be so factually evident in writing ... more info

Dropping the Crick: Cass McCombs tour and single news

6011 days ago
DrownedInSoundWandering minstrel Cass McCombs - another perenially underrated songsmith, for sure - brings his moody folk to these shores for a rare tour in November more info

Band of the Week: Warm in the Wake

6012 days ago
Paste Magazine Hometown: Decatur, Ga. Fun Fact: As a teenager, vocalist Chris Rowell arrived at a party in Birmingham, Ala. after midnight and told a total stranger that he felt like there was a drummer in their midst. He was introduced to future War... more info

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