E! Online — We can't always keep track of Rihanna and Chris Brown's tumultuous relationship. But one thing is for certain, Brown's mother Joyce Hawkins loves her some Ri-Ri.
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Big Apple Music Scene — Chris Brown just released a song probably directed at Rihanna called 'I Can't Win' that makes me genuinely fear for his comprehension levels. More »I’m Genuinely Concerned That Chris Brown Has Comprehension Problems is a post from Crushable - Ente... more info
Prefix — Chris Brown has been prepping the ressurection of his public image and new album X. He first came out with ...
Read the full article at http://www.prefixmag.com/news/chris-brown-drops-new-single-i-cant-win-stream/73546/ more info
Starpulse — Chris Brown's father Clinton isn't thrilled that his son is dating Rihanna again. Clinton previously urged Chris to avoid the Barbadian beauty following his infamous 2009 fight that resulted in an ... more info
ContactMusic — Chris Brown's father has expressed his disapproval over his son's reignited romance with Rihanna.The singer dad Clinton previously urged his son to... more info