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Christina Aguilera's Bionic Out June 8; New Single, 'Not Myself Tonight,' Premieres March 30

5472 days ago
StarpulseWith 30 million albums sold worldwide and the prestigious honor of being the only artist under the age of 30 included in Rolling Stone Magazine's list of the 100 greatest singers of all time, 5 t... more info

christina aguilera is 'bionic'!

5472 days ago
Pop Byteshey everyone! below is the cover of the upcoming album from christina aguilera called bionic - her 4th studio release (in stores on june 8th) i think it's an awesome cover and i'm super excited to hear what she has in store for us this time aro... more info

Christina Aguilera's Bionic Due June 8

5472 days ago
VH1 NewsChristina Aguilera has announced that her new album, Bionic, will drop on June 8 and the first single, "Not Myself Tonight," will premiere on her Web site Tuesday. more info

Christina Aguilera to debut track from Le Tigre/Ladytron featuring album tonight (Mar 25)

5472 days ago
NMESinger to return with 'Bionic' this summer more info

Christina Aguilera Reveals Her ‘Bionic’ Album Cover

5472 days ago
IdolatorToday’s reveal on Christina Aguilera’s website turned out to be the Bionic album cover, which features the singer—or at least half of her—staring at us blankly with her trademark ultra-red lips opened just slightly. The other half o... more info

Christina Aguilera “Bionic” Album Cover Art

5472 days ago
Pop CrunchIs the album cover art for Christina Aguilera’s new LP, Bionic, fierce or what!? The working mom is set to release a new LP of her thundering vocals — her first new album since 2006’s Back To Basics – this summer. Keep your ears open for Chr... more info

Christina New Album Cover Unveiled!!

5472 days ago
Perez HiltonWow!! Different look, bb! Christina Aguilera has just released the cover for her upcoming album, Bionic, and we're feeling it!! It's a step outside of the norm for her, so it only makes us more excited to hear her new tunes!! What do U think?? Do ... more info

Christina Aguilera (Finally) Announces New Album 'Bionic'

5472 days ago
Big Apple Music SceneAfter days of teasing that big news was coming, Christina Aguilera finally announced today that her newest studio album, Bionic, will drop this summer. It's first single, "Not Myself Tonight," will premiere on her Web site next week and will be avail... more info

Today's Christina Aguilera update: the 'Bionic' album sleeve

5472 days ago
Pop JusticeThis just went online at Christina Aguilera's website - an album sleeve that bears absolutely no relation to the single sleeve she unveiled the other day, which is a shame in terms of continuity but isn't necessarily bad news. Christina's site has ... more info

That iamamiwhoami song is on iTunes, by the way

5472 days ago
Pop Justice'B', the song in that iamamiwhoami 'reveal'* video from last week, appeared on iTunes last night. Or, according to someone on the Popjustice forum, it's been there over a week and nobody noticed. (This said, it wasn't there on the day we searched iTu... more info

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