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Dan Deacon - Bromst

5870 days ago
Abeano After gurning and yee-hawing his way around the darkest rooms of Europe on the back of the bewildering bastardised pop mongrel that was the critically lauded Spiderman of the Rings LP, wonky Wham City flag-bearer and digital age deity Dan Deacon... more info

Muxtape Returns! (Sorta!)

5871 days ago
PitchforkMuxtape used to be the ultimate music playlist website-- so simple even an especially dumb baby would have little trouble uploading its own personal Lil Wayne's Greatest Hits mix to share with its dumb-baby friends. But then evil powers in the form o... more info

Muxtape Returns! (Sorta!)

5871 days ago
PitchforkMuxtape used to be the ultimate music playlist website-- so simple even an especially dumb baby would have little trouble uploading its own personal Lil Wayne's Greatest Hits mix to share with its dumb-baby friends. But then evil powers in the f... more info

Tour Tracker: Jimmy Buffett, New Found Glory and Dan Deacon

5871 days ago
Rolling StonePhoto: Gershoff/WireImage Jimmy Buffett gives Parrotheads something to get excited about, New Found Glory ready a massive spring tour and Dan Deacon takes his new album Bromst on the road. Complete dates for all three treks are after the jump. Jimmy... more info

Ponytail Go From Art-School Project To Indie Sensation

5872 days ago NewsBaltimore foursome set to appear on 'MTV Detox' on Tuesday night.By John Norris Ponytail Photo: MTV News NEW YORK — "Joyful noise" is a term most often associated with Christian music. But I can't think of a better shorthand summation fo... more info

Dan Deacon Takes Big Band on Tour

5872 days ago
PitchforkDan Deacon is known for his one-man gigs, his glowing green skull, and music that would bring your great-grandmother back from the dead in juiced-up zombie form. But he's switching things up on new album Bromst, due March 24 on Carpark. The album isn... more info

Dan Deacon Takes Big Band on Tour

5872 days ago
PitchforkDan Deacon is known for his one-man gigs, his glowing green skull, and music that would bring your great-grandmother back from the dead in juiced-up zombie form. But he's switching things up on new album Bromst, due March 24 on Carpark. The albu... more info

High Places, Still Touring

5880 days ago
PitchforkA theory: High Places tour so often because it's easy for them. They only have to find room in the van for Rob Barber's table full of weird drum-looking things and Mary Pearson's microphone with jingle bells on it, and it's not like either of them re... more info

Friday Five

5883 days ago
Bridging The AtlanticTrying to maintain some order, here are five dope tracks that are on high rotation at the moment.North America South America (aka N.A.S.A.) are just two guys: a DJ and a skateboarder but they have tonnes of great hook-ups. Like how the one guy is Spi... more info

New stuff from Dan Deacon

5884 days ago
The Music FixNews: Like the utter whores we are, here's the press release cut and pasted for your delectation: Ahoy to the brand new album from Baltimore whizzkid DAN DEACON. Its called "Bromst", and drops on March 23rd on Carpark. "Deacon is the Salvador Dali ... more info

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