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Delphic announce new UK tour and ticket details

5452 days ago
NMEBand set for March gig run after sold-out January tour more info

Electronic Blood, Indie Heart: Delphic

5453 days ago
Its Getting Boring By The SeaIf there are two words in conjunction that should strike fear into our hearts it should be ‘indie’ and ‘dance’. Often suffixed with their dreaded friend ‘crossover’ the words are spoken by those all out of ideas... more info


5456 days ago
!tashedDelphic’s much anticipated release of Acolyte came earlier this week and critics have jumped on the wagon to do what they do best. Criticize. We heard the album and loved bits & pieces of it, especially the singles from 09′ but we shall not comm... more info

What's happening on the entertainment shelves of a south west London Sainsbury's?

5456 days ago
Pop JusticeFirst up, this supermarket has come up with a great idea to sell Rihanna's 'Rated R'. Knowing that many fans of the singer's previous album have been turned off by the gloomy sound and imagery of the new campaign, Sainsbury have put it next to someth... more info

Top 10: Non-New York Bands To Watch In 2010 (Sort Of)

5457 days ago
Pop Tarts Suck ToastedLast week we brought you the Top 10: New York Bands To Watch In 2010 and everyone seemed to love the list so we thought this week we'd expand it to the rest of the world. Of course there are tons of bands left off this list so feel free to chime in a... more info

Songs about life, death and low-cut tops

5459 days ago
Guardian MusicPlan B, 30h!3 and Kid Cudi are all in pursuit of happiness in this week's selection – drink-driving, getting in fights, chasing women. Their mothers would be proudHurts: Wonderful LifeA long, long time ago, God created man. And after witnessin... more info

Album review: Delphic

5459 days ago
Scotsman.comDELPHIC * * * * Acolyte Polydor CHIME3CD £10.99 more info

Album review: Delphic - Acolyte

5459 days ago
Scotsman.comDELPHIC Acolyte **** Polydor CHIME3CD £10.99 more info

Delphic Won't Move To London

5460 days ago
AngryApeThe Manchester band have no plans to relocate more info

F1's Lewis Hamilton splits with Pussycat Dolls' Nicole Scherzinger - Daily Gossip

5460 days ago
NMEDelphic hate London, Amy slags off Mitch, Fatboy goes sledging – your music gossip stop more info

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