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4th anniversary of DIMEBAG DARRELL's passing, remember a metal giant

5858 days ago
Metal InjectionAnybody with a remotely passing interest in metal can remember that day in December 2004 when Dimebag Darrell Abbott was gunned down in Ohio. Four years later (to this day,) it's the most dwelled-on metal event of the decade. The outpouring of t... more info

Vinnie Paul Book Signing

5879 days ago
Chorus.fmVinnie Paul, brother of legendary *Pantera* ( guitarist Dimebag Darrell, will be in West LA this Wednesday (November 19) to sign copies of the new book "He Came To Rock." More details can be found in the replies. more info

Dimebag Darrell Lance Abbott - Brand new Book / DVD

5884 days ago
AltsoundsThis is an official announcement from BIG VIN RECORDS to let you know that in just 13 days the ONLY official book about DIMEBAG, *"He Came To Rock"* will be hitting store shelves (Best Buy, Borders, Hot Topic, Amazon, Hastings and many others) If... more info

Dimebag Darrell Lance Abbott - Brand new Book / DVD

5884 days ago
AltsoundsThis is an official announcement from BIG VIN RECORDS to let you know that in just 13 days the ONLY official book about DIMEBAG, *"He Came To Rock"* will be hitting store shelves (Best Buy, Borders, Hot Topic, Amazon, Hastings and many others) If... more info

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