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5464 days ago
All About JazzI just learned today that Dr. John Ciambotti has passed on. He was my chiropractor for years, but so much more. He was the bassist in the underground, influential band Clover, who became Elvis Costello's back-up band on My Aim Is True, Huey Lewis' ba... more info

OBITUARY: John Ciambotti Bass Player for Rock Band Clover Dies

5465 days ago
All About JazzJohn Ciambotti, bass player for the 1970s Bay Area rock band Clover, which backed Elvis Costello on his debut album, and a session musician for acclaimed folk-rockers including Lucinda Williams, John Prine and Carlene Carter, died Wednesday in Glenda... more info

Elvis Costello announces UK tour and ticket details

5466 days ago
NMEGig-run will begin in Birmingham on June 21 more info

Michael Tomasky: Question I've put off asking for 34 years

5466 days ago
Guardian MusicI was just thinking about The Angels Wanna Wear My Red Shoes for some reason. A song I've known and loved since the record first came out.What the hell is it about, anyway? A woman has done him dirt, as he sees things. That much is evident. But what ... more info

AllMusic Loves 1979

5469 days ago
Allmusic Blog1979 seemed to be overloaded with great singles in all sorts of areas. Most of the greatness was coming out of England, from the last gasp of punk (although it hardly sounded tired when Stiff Little Fingers pumped out "Alternative Ulster" and "Suspec... more info

Elvis Costello Announces June 2010 UK Tour

5469 days ago
GigwiseWill he be playing Glastonbury too?... more info

Nicole Richie - Richie Treats Fiance Madden To Costello Print

5480 days ago
ContactMusicNICOLE RICHIE had a blast from the past when she went shopping for fiance JOEL MADDEN's birthday - she bought him a rare print of his hero ELVIS COSTELLO shot by her... more info

Songs in the Key of London | Pop review

5480 days ago
Guardian MusicBarbican, LondonThis one-off show, co-curated by Squeeze founder Chris Difford, had a weighty title, as if it were attempting to provide a definitive overview of London's musical history to rival Peter Ackroyd's magisterial biography of the city. But... more info

Readers recommend: Midnight songs

5481 days ago
Guardian MusicLast week was all about celebrating pulchritude in pop. Now we want songs the signal the witching hourI was back in the chair for one week, just one week, and blow me down if it wasn't tougher than a tank of teak. One of those weeks when the more you... more info

CD/DOWNLOAD/ALBUM: CD Review: Graham Parker, "Imaginary Television"

5481 days ago
All About JazzComing from the 1970s UK pub-rock scene, Graham Parker had to slip away from the shadows cast by Nick Lowe, the producer of his first album Howlin Wind, and the burgeoning legend of Elvis Costello. Adept at sharp lyrics, a wicked wit and a keen sense... more info

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