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The 11 Best Eminem Guest Spots of the 00s

4137 days ago
The Good, The Bad and The UnknownWith less than a month until the release of my book...promotion will be started any day now.  I look forward to everyone buying at least 10 copies.  It's Christmas, you know...and a very early Hanukkah. Here is another list from the book:  Em... more info

Listen: Eminem’s “Don’t Front”, a ridiculously great b-side off The Marshall Mathers LP 2

4137 days ago
Consequence of SoundHow did this not make the album?!?!? more info

Eminem courts controversy on album

4137 days ago
CNN ShowbizEminem was a bit of a novelty when he burst on the music scene with his major-label debut album, "The Slim Shady LP," in 1999. more info

Eminem Responds To Criticism Of Homophobic Slur In The Marshall Mathers LP 2

4137 days ago
411 ManiaIt doesn't reflect his beliefs... more info

Eminem - The Marshall Mathers LP 2 Review

4137 days ago
411 ManiaEminem is back with his latest album, the highly-anticipated Marshall Mathers LP 2! Can Eminem re-capture the magic of the original, or is this just another Relapse? 411's Bill Wannop checks in with his full review! more info

Eminem Is Cool With Gay People, But He Still Really Wants To Say Hateful Things About Them

4137 days ago
Big Apple Music Scene Rolling Stone asked Eminem to explain why he still chooses to put such homophobic terminology into his songs and uses the word "gay" as an insult. And Eminem gave a heartfelt apology in which he admitted what he said was offensive and hateful and th... more info

Eminem's The Marshall Mathers LP 2 Reviewed

4137 days ago"Like most sequels, this one can't beat the original," PEOPLE's music critic writes more info

Eminem - The Mashall Mathers LP 2 Review [2]

4138 days ago
411 ManiaEminem is back with his latest album, a sequel to The Marshall Mathers LP. Is it a return to form for the Detroit rapper, or has he lost his luster and created something much to be desired? 411's Tony Acero chimes in with a full review! more info

Staff Content (11/05/13)

4138 days ago
Chorus.fmStarted at the bottom then she rolled on top (hahaha). *Eminem* - The Marshall Mathers LP 2 ( (Ryan Dennehy) *The Tomás Doncker Band* - ( more info

Eminem defends gay slurs on 'Rap God' track

4138 days ago
Jam! Showbiz Music, Canada Eminem defends gay slurs on 'Rap God' track more info

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