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Beyond the Wizards Sleeve releasing debut LP ft. Holly Miranda, Euros Childs & more (watch "Creation" video)

3239 days ago
Brooklyn VeganBeyond the Wizards Sleeve, aka the psych/dance duo of Erol Alkan and Richard Norris, will release their debut album, The Soft Bounce, on July 1... Continue reading… more info

former Gorkys Zygotic Mynci frontman Euros Childs releasing 'Sweetheart' (watch the video for 'Fruit & Veg')

3463 days ago
Brooklyn Veganby Bill Pearis Onetime Gorkys Zygotic Mynci frontman Euros Childs will release his new solo album, Sweetheart, this week via his own National Elf Library label. To make the album, he took over his parents home in Pembrookshire, Wales and... more info

Euros Childs - Situation Comedy

4184 days ago
DrownedInSoundAppreciation of Situation Comedy will depend on how much you can stomach a bouncing piano rhythm, a double entendre and a whimsical Welsh vocal. Read the full story on more info

Songs about gold – the results

4632 days ago
Guardian MusicThe Midas touch was on display with this week's topicLast week, with a nod to the London 2012 Olympics, we asked you to nominate your favourite songs about gold, with the glittering prize of inclusion in this playlist enough to get the RR faithful su... more info

Blog jam: Listening Is Not Enough

4674 days ago
Guardian MusicTwice a week we invite independent music writers and bloggers to tell us about what they do. Today: the online descendant of C86 fanzine Get That Anorak OffWho are you and what's your blog called?Alan Fairnie – Listening Is Not Enough.Where are you... more info

This Week's Singles: Luke Abbott, Jherek Bischoff, The Shins, Euros Childs, Poppy & The Jezebels

4691 days ago
DrownedInSoundSingle of the Week! Luke Abbott - ‘Modern Driveway’ (NoTown) Luke Abbott’s bleary-eyed efforts are that special thing; slow-builders that earn the right to their ambling pace. It seems to me his work is an exercise in patience rather tha... more info

Lightships :: Electric Cables

4719 days ago
Aquarium DrunkardGiven that Teenage Fanclub has been releasing music for more than 20 years, it’s amazing that the first major steps outside of the group were only taken by members in the last year. First came Norman Blake’s work with Euros Childs of Gorky’s Zy... more info

Live music booking now

4756 days ago
Guardian MusicExpect genre-defying laidback rap from Ghostpoet, topping a fine bill at Beacons Festival, alongside Patrick Wolf and Wild Beasts (17-19 Aug, Funkirk Estate, Skipton) …Krankbrother and Black Atlantic host stages at Eastern Electrics (4 Aug, outdoor... more info

Go back to where I came from? What, Newport? | Dawn Foster

4848 days ago
Guardian MusicFar from being a 'dead language', Welsh is making a comeback – but try telling that to the man who thought I was PolishThere are few things that annoy me more than being mistakenly called English. It's understandable though: I don't have a Welsh ac... more info

Jonny played Toronto, but rest of tour cancelled

5048 days ago
Brooklyn VeganBad news for fans of Jonny, the duo of Norman Blake and Euros Childs. The band's tour with Apex Manor, which was to roll into NYC on Thursday (6/9) at Le Poisson Rouge, despite making it to Toronto over the... more info

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