Dlisted — Musicians carrying any form of the good shit on their tour bus need to be like Louise from Thelma & Louise and not drive through Texas, because doing so could completely mess up their high. Fiona Apple obviously didn't learn from Snoop Dogg and ... more info
L.A. Times - Pop & Hiss — Try to restrain yourselves from making obvious "Criminal" jokes: Fiona Apple was arrested Wednesday in Texas on charges of possessing hashish.
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Pop Crunch — Oh — how far they fall! “Criminal” singer (No Pun Intended) Fiona Apple was arrested in Sierra Blanca, Texas overnight and charged with felony possession of hashish — a type [...]
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Topix — Singer Fiona Apple, who found success with her 1997 hit "Criminal," was arrested Wednesday in Texas for hashish possession, a jail official told NBC's TODAY . more info
Jam! Showbiz Music, Canada — Singer Fiona Apple has been arrested in Texas after border patrol authorities allegedly found hashish and marijuana on her tourbus. more info
Jam! Showbiz Music, Canada — Grammy-winning singer Fiona Apple spent the night in a Texas jail after being arrested late Wednesday on a drug possession charge at the border patrol checkpoint where her tour bus was searched, a local judge said. more info
ContactMusic — We're looking forward to seeing what long-winded song title Fiona Apple comes up with when she gets around to writing a song about this one. That's... more info
Starpulse — Singer Fiona Apple has been arrested after a search of her tour bus by police revealed she was in possession of hashish and marijuana. more info
Perez Hilton — Boo! Not Fiona! We've been waiting for-ever for her to get back on tour! If this screws this up, so help us…
Fiona Apple needs to stop getting high Every Single Night because her stash just got her ass thrown in jail!
The singer was traveling on he... more info