L.A. Times - Entertainment — Nancy Sinatra Sr., the first of Frank Sinatra’s four wives and the mother of the legendary singer’s three children, died Friday. She was 101. Sinatra’s daughter, pop singer Nancy Sinatra, who had a 1966 hit with “These Boot... more info
Reuters — Nancy Sinatra, the first wife of the late, legendary singer and actor Frank Sinatra, died Friday at the age of 101, her daughter, also named Nancy Sinatra, said in an internet tweet.
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L.A. Times - Entertainment — Thanks for John Scalzi’s tribute to Harlan Ellison [“When a Sci-Fi Giant Calls …,†June 30], which mentioned an incident where Ellison had a confrontation with Frank Sinatra. This was written about at length by Gay Talese. It... more info
Time — Not so long ago, parents old enough to send their kids off to college would wind down a hectic day by spinning Frank Sinatra and Doris Day on the hi-fi. Today’s version of those parents have Sonic Youth and Sleater-Kinney on their Spotify. In Brett... more info