The Music Slut — Copycat - Lady JacquelineLady Gaga - Just DanceVERSUSFranz Ferdinand - JacquelineVisit Copycat on MySpace.MP3: Copycat - Lady Jacqueline more info
Dlisted — Prince Hot Ginge (24)
Heidi Montag (22)
Dave Annable (29)
Sophie Dahl (31)
Paul Thompson of Franz Ferdinand (32)
Josh Charles (37)
Danny Nucci (40)
White Oprah (46)
Dan Marino (47)
Oliver Stone (62)
Tommy Lee Jones (62)
Ron Shelton (63) more info
Starpulse — Happy Birthday to Prince Harry of Wales (1984), "8 Simple Rules" actress Amy Davidson (1979), Franz Ferdinand drummer Paul Thomson (1976), football legend Dan Marino (1961), movie director Oliver Stone (1946),[...] Read more! more info — Filed under: Wacked What do 'Auld Lang Syne' and Franz Ferdinand have in common? They're both from Scotland, land of the Picts, the bagpipes and J.K. Rowling. Franz's 'Take Me Out' and the New Year's Eve perrenial are featured on a ... more info
The Music Slut — Catch the band this November at:Paris: La Cigalle (13)Stockholm: Debaser Medis (15)Berlin: Kesselhaus (17)Warsaw: Stodola (19)Milan: Magazzini Generali (21)Barcelona: Espacio Moviestar (24)Rotterdam: WATT (27)Visit Franz Ferdinand on MySpace.MP3: Fra... more info
A Walking Disast3r — Contributor to AWD Randy Washington took on the task of giving us his review on the latest Bloc Party album "Intimacy". Enjoy. The Boys from london, Bloc Party, have recently released their third full length album entitled Intimacy. This ten track ... more info