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X Factor UK Season 9 – Manchester, London & Newcastle Auditions

4584 days ago
Mjsbigblog Tonight’s episode features 3 audition cities and 6 judges! Before Nicole Scherzinger joined Gary Barlow, Tulisa and Louis Walsh, X Factor UK’s producers invited various female popstars to guest judge during the audition rounds. Scary Spice Girl... more info

X Factor UK Season 9 – Manchester & Cardiff Auditions

4590 days ago
Mjsbigblog The madness starts right here! Time is running by so fast. It seems like Little Mix won season 8 of The X Factor only yesterday, but tonight airs the first episode of season 9. Host Dermot O’Leary is back. Gary Barlow still holds the title of head... more info

X Factor UK Season 9 Starts Tomorrow!

4591 days ago
Mjsbigblog It’s that time of the year again … X Factor UK season 9 starts tomorrow. Dermot O’Leary will once again return as the host. Nicole Scherzinger is joining Gary Barlow, Tulisa Contostavlos and Louis Walsh on the judging panel. Caroline Flack and... more info

Gary Barlow - Britain's The X Factor Judges Send Best Wishes To Grieving Gary Barlow

4592 days ago
ContactMusicGary Barlows The X Factor co-stars Tulisa Contostavlos and Louis Walsh have reached out to the singer after he pulled out of his promotional commitments for the U K show to deal with the loss of his daughter The Take... more info

X Factor UK Judge Gary Barlow Pulls Out Of Promo After Family Tragedy

4593 days ago
Perez HiltonSO sad! It seems X Factor UK judge, Gary Barlow, won’t be taking part in the show’s season nine promo this week! After his wife, Dawn, tragically gave birth to a stillborn baby earlier this month, Barlow decided it was best to take time to grieve... more info

Gary Barlow - Gary Barlow Scraps X Factor Work

4593 days ago
ContactMusicGrieving Gary Barlow has pulled out of his promotional commitments on the U K version of The X Factor following the loss of his daughter The Take That stars wife Dawn gave birth to a stillborn baby named Poppy on 4 August 12 but... more info

Gary Barlow - Stars Are Coming Out Tonight: Gary Barlow Truly Shines At Olympics Closer

4595 days ago
ContactMusicGary Barlow showed true courage when he stepped out on to the stage to perform alongside his Take That band mates at the Olympics closing ceremony only days after his fourth child Poppy was delivered stillborn Many fellow celeb... more info

Jason Manford - Jason Manford Defends Gary Barlow Against Internet Trolls

4595 days ago
ContactMusicJason Manford has hit out at internet trolls who viciously criticised Gary Barlow for performing at the Olympics Closing Ceremony last night 12 08 12 The Take That frontman bravely took to the stage at Londons Olympic Stadium with bandmates Mark O... more info

Gary Barlow - Gary Barlow's Brave Olympics Performance Brings Tributes Far And Wide

4596 days ago
ContactMusicGary Barlow showed huge courage to perform at the Olympic closing ceremony last night alongside his group Take That and the decision by the singer who of course tragically lost his baby daughter Poppy a little over a week ago was me... more info

Lily Allen - Stars Praise Gary Barlow For Olympics Gig After Baby Tragedy

4596 days ago
ContactMusicLily Allen and David Walliams have heaped praise on British singer Gary Barlow for honouring Take Thats appearance at the Olympics Closing Ceremony on Sunday 12Aug12 just eight days after his daughter was delivered still... more info

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