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George Michael In Court On Drug Charge

5313 days ago
Sky NewsGeorge Michael has appeared at court charged with driving under the influence of drugs after his car crashed into a high street shop. more info

George Michael -- I Was on Drugs During Car Crash

5313 days ago
TMZGeorge Michael rolled into a London courtroom this morning and plead guilty to being high on weed  when he got behind the wheel of his Range Rover and crashed into a photo shop on July 4.  The judge immediately suspended Michael's license for… ... more info

George in court over drug charge

5313 days ago
The MirrorSinger George Michael is due to appear in court charged with driving under the influence of drugs after his car crashed into a high street shop. more info

George Michael Pleads Guilty To Cannabis Possession

5313 days ago
GigwiseAnd drug driving... more info

The X Factor isn't 100% authentic? Hold the front page!

5314 days ago
Guardian MusicBloggers and MPs are up in arms about X Factor contestants having their performances Auto-Tuned. But given the nature of the show, does it really matter?The surest sign of the onset of autumn is a new X Factor scandal for us all to get hot under the ... more info

George Michael needs to find some respect for himself

5316 days ago
The MirrorThe George Michael I knew was warm, funny, smart, generous and kind. more info

Glee's Next Tributes? Prince And George Michael!

5318 days ago
Perez HiltonLeave no legend unheard on Glee! Ryan Murphy has expressed an EXTREME interest in featuring both Prince and George Michael hits on his mega successful show, Glee. At the recent Eat Pray Love premiere, Ryan gushed over how much he loved the man behind... more info

Glee Goes After George Michael and Prince

5319 days ago
E! OnlineGlee has already featured the poptastic likes of Madonna, Lady Gaga and Britney Spears, but creator Ryan Murphy isn't done yet! Here's what he just told us: He's... more info

George Michael: Inside the troubled star's life of smoking, sex and soaps

5323 days ago
The MirrorIt was all George Michael could do to take his mind off the indignity of being charged with drug and driving offences yesterday. more info

Pop Nosh: I bet they all have small ones ...

5324 days ago
Pop Bytes † Can you guess which 'Jersey Shore' dude has a tiny dickus? Tabloid Prodigy † The five most morally repugnant films to the traditional American family! Pajiba † Nothing makes pussycats sadder than wearing a dumb ass cos... more info

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