PopSugar UK —
Following their tragic plane crash at the weekend, both Travis Barker and DJ AM aka Adam Goldstein have been treated for second and third degree burns in Georgia and are expected to fully recover. A doctor from the hospital stated that DJ AM was bu... more info
TMZ — Filed under: Let's Get This Party Started
George Michael got off with a caution over the weekend after getting busted with crack and pot, but Brits are buzzing he only got off because he's a celeb.The Sun reports Michael "tearfully begged" not to b... more info
TMZ — Filed under: Let's Get This Party Started
George Michael got off with a caution over the weekend after getting busted with crack and pot, but Brits are buzzing that he only got off because he's a celeb.The Sun reports Michael "tearfully begged" not... more info
Pop Crunch —
Some people just never learn. Ladies and Gentleman, George Michael is one of those people. Apparently, Georgie has been doing naughty things in the toliets again. The former Wham! star was busted for drug possession in a North London public restroom... more info
Scotsman.com — POP singer George Michael last night apologised to his fans for "screwing up again" after being cautioned for drug possession. more info
The Independent — The pop singer George Michael has apologised for "screwing up again" after it emerged he was arrested in a public lavatory at the weekend for possession of drugs, thought to include cannabis and crack cocaine. more info
Topix — In this Dec. 15, 2005 file photo, British singer George Michael poses for a photo session prior to a press conference to promote his documentary film "George Michael, A different story," at a hotel in Tokyo. more info
Undercover, Australia — Superstar George Michael has once again been arrested at a public toilet. This time he was found with crack cocaine in his possession. more info