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(Scene and Heard) Gun Outfit, Pampers, Big Ups, and Ornament at Union Pool

4245 days ago
Impose MagazineOn Friday, May 3rd, Gun Outfit, Pampers, Big Ups and Ornament performed at Union Pool in Brooklyn, NY. See more images from this post. more info

(Scene and Heard) The Men at Lincoln Hall

4255 days ago
Impose MagazineOn Tuesday April 18th, Brooklyn's The Men played the hell out of Chicago's Lincoln Hall along with The Gun Outfit. Chicago photograher Allison Taich attended the show and shares these photos with us. See more images from this post. more info

Hard Coming DownGun Outfit

4277 days ago
Impose MagazineGun Outfit's 2009 debut Dim Light elicited praise for skirting various trajectories of 80s college rock with particular emphasis on Pacific Northwest predecessors and the second-wave SST bands. The group's referential character couldn't be disregarde... more info

Milk Music Add Dates

4303 days ago
Pitchfork - Tours03-15 Seattle, WA - Black Lodge #03-16 Vancouver, British Columbia - Biltmore Cabaret #03-17 Olympia, WA - Northern #03-18 Portland, OR - Star Theater #03-20 Reno, NV - The Holland Show Space at Rainshadow #03-23 San Francisco, CA - Bottom of the Hil... more info

Gun Outfit – “My Whole Life” (Stereogum Premiere)

5350 days ago
StereogumAs I’ve said in the past and will likely say again, bass-free Olympia trio Gun Outfit create a sort of sloppy, stripped-down, lo-fi American rock played earlier by bands like King Kong or Washington State kin Some Velvet Sidewalk. (For their part, ... more info

Keith Morris forms OFF! supergroup, played SXSW w/ Torche, Gun Outfit, Audacity, Charlie & The Moonhearts, others (pics)

5387 days ago
Brooklyn Veganwords & photos by BBG, Off! photos by Brian Reilly Steve Brooks of Torche is all smiles OK, guilty as charged. Though there were a zillion other incredible bands all rockin across Austin at that exact same moment, but I... more info

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