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We're All In This Together: Live Blogging The MTV VMAs

6050 days ago
DlistedI'm liveblogging the MTV VMAs tonight, so we can all torture ourselves together. Use one hand to hold mine and the other hand to hold an economy-sized bottle of vodka. You're going to need it. If you don't have any booze in the house, ... more info

Live-Blogging The 2008 Video Music Awards: No Britney, No Peace [Putting The Pseudo In Pseudo-event]

6050 days ago
IdolatorOh HI! It's dickdogfood. I welcome you to Idolator's liveblog of the 2008 MTV Video Music Awards. Now before I became a quasi-anonymous commentator legend, I was known as Michael Daddino. (I still am, in certain obscure circles.) Once, during that lo... more info

Look At Her Lips!!!

6050 days ago
Perez HiltonSeems like somebody's had a little "work" done. Hey, at least it looks good! [Images via Awful Plastic Surgery.] more info

Hey Detroit

6053 days ago
Perez HiltonYour fuck-up mayor has just admitted his guilt and reached a deal with prosecutors! more info

Hey you guys! I’m a guest blogger today…

6054 days ago
Rock and Roll MamaOver at my friend Madam Mayo’s. She’s a lovely woman and a very fine writer. I met her a few months ago when she took my Yoga and Writing workshop. She keeps a lovely blog, and does a link blog every Wednesday. So today it’s my turn to write a... more info

Britney Spears Wins Video Of The Year -- And Other VMA Predictions, In Bigger Than The Sound

6054 days ago NewsJonas Brothers, Tokio Hotel, Paramore, Lil Wayne also look promising, but trying to predict VMA winners is a losing proposition ...By James Montgomery Britney Spears in her "Piece of Me" video Photo: Jive On The Record: Commence The Nonsen... more info

Hey Peeps…meet my brother. And go for coffee with him.

6060 days ago
Rock and Roll MamaMy brother Andy is two years, two months, and two days younger than me. This made for some amazing fights- most notably those which involved us running through the house, each with a gallon of milk, spitting it on each other, laughing hysterically. I... more info

Hey Monday Sign To Columbia

6070 days ago
Crazed HitsHey Monday (formerly known as Blake) have signed to Columbia Records. We first introduced you to the band in July. The deal was inked by A&R Jay Harren. more info

Tila Tequila big booty earthquake!

6084 days ago
Music JuiceYou still have a shot at Tila Tequila’s ass! Hey there Tila, long time no seeing… sure your busy with celebrity magazines and tv shows, but at least once in a while you can show us a bit of that super hot body of yours! Thank God, T... more info

Lindsay Lohan full nakedness costs only $75.000!

6201 days ago
Music JuiceIf you have $75.000 and a camera you can hire Lindsay Lohan to pose fully naked for you! It seems she loves doing that for free two, as long as is part of her role! Got any change? Wow, I mean wow! Here's something you probably... more info

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