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Can't We Handle This Like Adults?

6009 days ago
DlistedNo, let's not handle it like adults. Let's get dirty. Fucking filthy. I'll pop the popcorn. Methinks Vadge agrees with me. Before performing her song "Miles Away" in Boston last night, she told the audience, "This song is for the emoti... more info

Ray LaMontagne: Gossip in the Grain

6009 days ago
Paste MagazineHas LaMontagne ever not been mellow? Ray LaMontagne’s grainy voice has regularly been compared to Van Morrison’s and Tim Buckley’s. On his third album, he initially comes across like one of those unnaturally sincere singer/songwriters, like... more info

Hey Monday's First Week

6009 days ago*Hey Monday* ('s Hold on Tight sold 2,015 copies its first week. more info

Vanessa Hudgens is a Barbie-Doll!

6010 days ago
Music JuiceI don’t want to be mean to Vanessa Hudgens, I like her two, and she’s incredible hot for someone her age! But ever since that photo of her naked leaked out on the internet, I’m having this very odd thoughts of her ÂÂâ€... more info

Hey Monday Are Going To Pop

6010 days ago
Chorus.fmAOL Popeater ( thinks *Hey Monday* ( is "About to Pop (" Hey Monday got their start in West Palm Beach, FL, when singer Ca... more info

Will.I.Am Gets Hands On With Technology [Where Is The Love?]

6010 days ago
IdolatorWhat's Black Eyed Peas frontman Will.I.Am up to when he's not thinking about how his solo album stiffed at stores (hate to say I told you so) or working on another song about how dreamy Barack Obama is? He's got at least two things up his sleeve, an... more info

Ringo Starr's Hand To Beatles Fans: "I'm So Tired" [They Reject Letters]

6011 days ago
IdolatorAttention Beatles fans: Ringo Starr does not want your mail anymore, at least if it's postmarked anytime after next Monday (Oct. 20). In a video message that he posted to his Web site—which was strangely hostile, yet festooned with "peace and love,... more info

Pollard Preps New Solo, Spaceships, Circus Devils Discs

6011 days ago
PitchforkJust when you thought you'd finally caught up on former Guided by Voices frontman and songwriting stalwart Robert Pollard's extra-prolific 2008, the dude's already got another one in the works before the year-- hell, the month-- is up. This one's cal... more info

Radio Exile mp3 Mixtape: Vol. 12 Side A

6011 days ago
Radio ExileHey guys, we haven’t had a mixtape in a bit, but I have been ridiculously swamped. Now, I really want to get some of these choice, tasty tunes out to you all. There’s been a ton of really great stuff floating around, so I will break t... more info

Oliver Stone: It's All True!

6011 days ago
Perez HiltonHey right wingers! Think before you slam well-known lefty director Oliver Stone's W. movie. According to a new report, Stone and screenwriter Stanley Weiser have managed to make George W. Bush human: The president portrayed in the film (by Josh Broli... more info

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