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A Lot To Dig On New Oasis Album 'Dig Out Your Soul'

6032 days ago
Stopcryingyourheartout.comBritish supergroup Oasis returns to the fold next month with their seventh studio album, which will appear in record stores on October 7th. If one song sums up the solid effort it is the second track of the album, written by Noel Gallagher, entitled ... more info

Song of the Day: Damien Jurado - Gillian Was A Horse

6033 days ago
KEXP SeattleEvery Monday through Friday, we deliver a different song as part our Song of the Day podcast subscription. This podcast features exclusive KEXP in-studio performances, unreleased songs, and recordings from independent artists that our DJs think you s... more info

Oasis debut album w/New York street musicians

6033 days ago
Rock SelloutSo last friday Sept 12th Oasis showcased new tunes from Dig out your Soul in New York rehearsal session where their new songs "The Turning," "Bag it Up" and "(Get Off Your) High Horse Lady," along with new single "The Shock of the Lightning" will be... more info

More Oasis Fan Renditions Of New Songs From YouTube

6033 days ago
Stopcryingyourheartout.comVisitor to the site AJ Oran sent in this cover of The Shock of the LightningBBC Radio 1's Colin Murray plays new Oasis track " (Get Off Your) High Horse Lady" on his ukulele.(Get Off Your) High Horse Lady - The Outs!(Get off Your) High Horse Lady - C... more info

Phish: At The Roxy (1993)

6033 days ago
JamBasePhish At The Roxy (Atlanta 93) On November, 18, 2008, Phish will release their three-show run at Atlanta's Roxy Theater from 1993. This is the first complete multiple-show release since Hampton Comes Alive and the magical "Island Tour" of 19... more info

Oasis Fan Renditions Of New Songs Start To Appear On YouTube

6035 days ago
Stopcryingyourheartout.comTom and Sam's rendition of Oasis' '(Get off Your) High Horse Lady' also as an added bonus Ben & Sam's version of the new Oasis single If you are entering the competion at send us the videos and I will post the be... more info

Kentucky Horse Park Plans Museum Addition

6035 days ago
As the first major addition to the Kentucky Horse Park?s International Museum of the Horse since its opening in 1978, the new Arabian horse galleries are expected to open in the summer of 2009. The 8,000-foot expansion, funded by the Purebred Arabian more info

Listening Party : Blitzen Trapper : Furr

6036 days ago
My Old KentuckyBlitzen Trapper packed the house this weekend at Monolith. The kids from Vampire Weekend even crammed in to see them perform. They performed in the Rock Room, which should have fit about 300 people, but I would guess there were quite a few more tha... more info

Next Tribe Plays Oasis - "(Get Off Your) High Horse Lady"

6036 days ago
Stopcryingyourheartout.comHere is some more footage we had of the rehearsal with Oasis. This is the band Next Tribe with a great version of "High Horse Lady" using electric sitar and beatbox guitar. The band loved the sitar guitar. They joked that they want to record the song... more info

Get New Oasis Album Music Tomorrow

6036 days ago
Stopcryingyourheartout.comThe new album doesn't hit the shelves until 6th October, but Oasis fans across the world are set to get an exclusive preview of 'Dig Out Your Soul', in a groundbreaking partnership between Big Brother Recordings and music magazine NME supported by Ar... more info

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