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Isis payment app changes name to avoid association with militant group

3763 days ago
L.A. Times - News more info

'Duck Dynasty' Star Phil Robertson -- When It Comes to Isis ... We Should 'Convert Them Or Kill Them'

3763 days ago
TMZThe U.S. should deal with ISIS in one of two ways, if you ask "Duck Dynasty" patriarch Phil Robertson ... "convert them or kill them."Robertson was on the Fox News show "Hannity" Tuesday night, and the topic of the recent beheadings… more info

Duck Dynasty Phil: It’s Time to Convert ISIS or Kill Them

3764 days ago
TimeThe controversial patriarch of the Robertson clan wants to show ISIS “the errors of their ways” more info

'Sleepy Hollow' -- Show Apologizes for 'Headless' Campaign as New ISIS Video Released

3764 days ago
TMZ"Sleepy Hollow" is issuing a major mea culpa for the show's #HeadlessDay promotion ... which happened to launch on the same day a 2nd U.S. journalist was beheaded by ISIS militants in Iraq.The show is promoting its Season 1 DVD release with a series... more info

Idiots Are Confusing Isis The Band With ISIS The Terrorists

3772 days ago
StereogumPeople have been confusing the militant band of terrorists ISIS for musical band of musicians Isis. The post-metal band, who called it quits back in 2010, has been getting comments on their Facebook page in the past few weeks since the Islamic group ... more info

ISIS the band being confused with ISIS the terrorist group

3772 days ago
Brooklyn Veganby Wyatt Marshall Isis at Irving Plaza in 2009 (more by Paul Birman) The influential hardcore/post-metal band ISIS, now disbanded, is unfortunately being confused with the terrorist group of the same name. ISIS (the terrorist group), which stands for... more info

The Unbeatables writer Richard O Smith's animated riposte to his critics

3779 days ago
The TelegraphStung by the "pernicious" review Mr Smith described the Telegraph's critic, Robbie Collin, as a scourge of humanity more terrible than the combined horrors of Isis, Ebola and the situation in Gaza more info

In the Latest Issue

3784 days ago
TimeRobin Williams: The Heart of Comedy One man with a thousand voices brought joy to millions—but could not sustain it in himself Obama Can Still Secure His Legacy If he plays his last two years like the final quarter and not the back nine An Evil Tha... more info

ISIS weapons windfall may alter balance in Iraq, Syria conflicts

3829 days ago
L.A. Times - News more info

Texas man pleads guilty to attempt to join ISIS

3831 days ago
L.A. Times - News more info

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