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The Greenhornes playing shows - ATP, a free one @ Mercury & Scion Garage Fest (full lineup - Oblivians, Gories, more)

5328 days ago
Brooklyn VeganThe Greenhornes 2007 After detours in The Raconteurs and The Dead Weather among other projects, The Greenhornes are back at it and will release their first LP of new material in eight years via Jack White's Third Man imprint. The... more info

Hey, what's that sound: Homemade guitars

5330 days ago
Guardian MusicEveryone from Brian May to Boredoms has bulit their own axe. So why not get creative and turn your skateboard into one?What are they? Guitars don't just come in Fender and Gibson flavours, you know. There's a whole universe of DIY designs out there t... more info

Jack White Needs A Vacation

5332 days ago
StereogumAccording to New York Daily News gossip columnist Frank DiGiacomo, Jack White berated the audience at the Dead Weather’s invite-only show on August 4. The problem seems to be the “invite-only” part — the audience included Liv Tyler, Shaun Whi... more info

Early Buzz: Jack White, 'Golden Girls,' 'Entourage' and more headlines

5332 days ago
Pop CandyHappy Monday! I hope you enjoyed the weekend -- I watched lots of movies, read comics and got a little sun, so I guess you could say it was nearly ... more info

Jack White Explodes At Unenthusiastic Fans

5334 days ago
411 ManiaDuring a secret show in New York... more info

Jack White Insults Celebrity Audience

5334 days ago NewsJack White turned on an A-list audience while performing with his newest band The Dead Weather in New York. The band, fronted by Alison Mosshart from The Kills, played a secret gig at the reopening... more info

Jack White labels New York celebrity crowd 'motherfuckers' for not 'rocking the fuck out'

5334 days ago
NMEDead Weather man in onstage outburst to audience including Sean Lennon and Liv Tyler more info

Jack White Blows Up At "Hip Motherfuckers!"

5335 days ago
Perez HiltonAnd that is why we love him! At the Dead Weather concert in NYC on Wednesday night, Jack White flipped his shiz because the audience was too cool to be rocking out to the music. White screamed: "Fuck you, you hip motherfuckers! Why don't you rock ... more info

White flips out at hipster fans

5335 days ago
Jam! Showbiz Music, CanadaJack White flew into a rage at a gig in New York on Wednesday night - accusing the star-studded crowd of failing to "rock out". more info

Jack White - White Upsets Star Studded Crowd At Gig

5335 days ago
ContactMusicJACK WHITE flew into a rage at a gig in New York on Wednesday night (04Jul10) - accusing the star-studded crowd of failing to "rock out".The singer/guitarist took to... more info

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