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Rock it Out! Blog: “Who Is The Most Influential Musician?”

4342 days ago
Consequence of SoundJay-Z, Beyoncé, Frank Ocean -- or someone completely different? more info

Jay-jay Z No Longer Shareholder In Brooklyn Nets Basketball Team

4343 days ago
ContactMusicHip-hop mogul Jay Z has officially stepped down as an owner of New York basketball team the Brooklyn Nets so he can focus on building his new sports... more info

TIME Releases '100 Most Influential People' List With Jay-Z & Jennifer Lawrence On Two Of Seven Covers

4343 days ago
Starpulse100, a list of the 100 most influential people in the world. The issue features seven different covers for the first time ever, including two showcasing entertainers: hip-hop artist Jay-Z and actr... more info

Jay-Z relinquishes stake in Brooklyn Nets

4343 days ago
L.A. Times - Pop & HissJay-Z might have been instrumental in bringing the Nets to Brooklyn and christening the team’s home arena, Barclays Center , but the hip-hop mogul has sold his stake in the NBA team. more info

TIME Magazine's Most Influential 100: Jennifer Lawrence, Jay Z

4344 days ago
ContactMusicJennifer Lawrence and Jay Z have been named as some of the world’s most influential people in this year's TIME 100.The music mogul took number 1 in... more info

Jay-Z, Frank Ocean, Miguel named among TIME’s 100 Most Influential People in the World

4344 days ago
Consequence of SoundBeyoncé and Justin Timberlake, too. more info

Jay-Z and Jennifer Lawrence make Time 100 list

4344 days ago
ContactMusicJay Z and Jennifer Lawrence have been named among the most influential people in the world by Time magazine. The publication has printed its annual... more info

Obama Talks Sexist Comments, Jay Z And Beyonce's Vacation During Today Show Interview

4344 days ago
ContactMusicThe second part of President Obama’s interview on the Today show was aired yesterday and he had a lot to say about the coalition government,... more info

(Genius Lines of the Week) Open Letter to Post-Racial America Edition

4344 days ago
Impose MagazineThis week, our list is dominated by two phenomena. Funkmaster Flex dropped a massive, 56-song mixtape that gives us three of our entries. The other two are courtesy of Jay-Z's trip to Cuba. Below, the lines of the week. 5. "Can't a nigga rap... more info

[VIDEO] President Barack Obama Did Not Know About Jay-Z's Cuba Trip

4345 days ago
411 ManiaHe's not his travel agent... more info

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