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Panda Bear and Jon Spencer Blues Explosions confirmed for ATP Curated by Jeff Mangum

4942 days ago
AltsoundsNow the Summer festival season has ended, the world famous All Tomorrow's Parties look forward to their December festival events. This year ATP present the return of Neutral Milk Hotel's Jeff Mangum to headline and curate one of our two festival... more info

Neutral Milk Hotel – “Little Birds (Unfinished Version 2)”

4946 days ago
StereogumVia his website, Jeff Mangum posted another Neutral Milk Hotel outtake for the post-Aeroplane song “Little Birds.” Listen to the track at the NMH website — the widget is a little tricky to find, but it’s a little horizontal bar down the right... more info

Neutral Milk Hotel – “Engine” (Unreleased Demo)

4960 days ago
StereogumToday, Jeff Mangum threw an unreleased demo recording of “Engine” onto Neutral Milk Hotel’s new website. “Engine” first appeared as a B-side to the “Holland, 1945″ single (yep, it’s in the box set) but this version has never been rele... more info

Neutral Milk Hotel releases authoritative vinyl box set

4966 days ago
L.A. Times - Pop & HissA few years after some ponderous "What the heck happened to Jeff Mangum?" magazine pieces, the Neutral Milk Hotel frontman has, at last, made recent, tenative steps back into the public with a few solo shows and booking an installment... more info

Jeff Mangum Is Releasing A Neutral Milk Hotel Box Set

4967 days ago
StereogumWell, here’s something awesome that we weren’t expecting: Neutral Milk Hotel frontman Jeff Mangum, who is only now releasing from years of reclusion, has a new website, and he’s getting ready to drop a huge box set of everything Neutral Milk Ho... more info

Neutral Milk Hotel Box Set Details

4967 days ago
StereogumWell, here’s something awesome that we weren’t expecting: Neutral Milk Hotel frontman Jeff Mangum, who is only now releasing from years of reclusion, has a new website, and he’s getting ready to drop a huge box set of everything Neutral Milk Ho... more info

Jeff Mangum benefit show in Woodstock on sale

4967 days ago
Brooklyn VeganTickets are on sale for the newly-announced benefit show in Woodstock, NY.... more info

Neutral Milk Hotel releasing box set w/ unreleased tracks. (and Jeff Mangum has a website!)

4967 days ago
Brooklyn VeganJeff Mangum has a website! And that website reports that Neutral Milk Hotel is releasing a box set which includes their entire discography with assorted rarities and 15 unrleased tracks (eight of which are "acoustic recordings)! According to the... more info

Shorties (Jeff Mangum, Tobias Wolff, and more)

4968 days ago
LargeHeartedBoySouthern Souls shares mp3s of Jeff Mangum's recent Toronto performance. Author Tobias Wolff talks writing with the Guardian. At Salon, Dean Wareham interviews Stephen Malkmus about his new album, Mirror Traffic. Drowned in Sound also interviews Malkm... more info

Download Some New HQ Jeff Mangum Concert Recordings

4975 days ago
StereogumThe first four shows of Jeff Mangum’s big, inevitable, but still totally surprising tour are in the can, and you’re jealous you haven’t secured admission to one, but you’re not sure whether his voice has held up and if the chance to sing “T... more info

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