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Jessica Simpson - Simpson Moving In With Romo

5947 days ago
ContactMusicTexan singer JESSICA SIMPSON has sparked rumours she will move in with boyfriend TONY ROMO - after swapping her hotel room to stay with the American football star during a ... more info

Hollywood Hotline: Keanu Reeves

5947 days ago
The NewsroomJessica Alba in Campari campaign; Keanu Reeves may be back for SPEED 3; Jessica Simpson studies religion; and, Prop 8 the musical? All on this Hollywood Hotline! more info

Who Is the Hardest Working Celebrity of 2008?

5948 days ago
PopSugarSome of our favorite stars go above and beyond a regular work ethic, and this year brought another batch of stars who barely had time to sleep. From side projects, to clothing lines, to parenthood, this group seems to do it all. So tell us — w... more info

Who Is the Hardest Working Celebrity of 2008?

5948 days ago
PopSugarSome of our favorite stars go above and beyond a regular work ethic, and this year brought another batch of stars who barely had time to sleep. From side projects, to clothing lines, to parenthood, this group seems to do it all. So tell us — w... more info

SNTV - Jessica Simpson needs help

5948 days ago
The NewsroomJessica Simpson reveals that she's a sucker for self-help books. more info

'Code' Inspires Simpson to Study Religion

5948 days ago
PopeaterWhat makes Jessica Simpson want to go to college and study theology? It's not the fact that her father used to be a minister, but her love of Dan Brown's book 'The Da Vinci Code.' more info

'Code' Inspires Simpson to Study Religion

5948 days ago
AOL MusicWhat makes Jessica Simpson want to go to college and study theology? It's not the fact that her father used to be a minister, but her love of Dan Brown's book 'The Da Vinci Code.' more info

Jessica Simpson To Study Religion At College?

5948 days ago
AngryApeThe country star gets inspired by a well-known movie more info

Jessica Simpson Still Assaults Us In The Checkout Lane For Some Reason

5949 days ago
Perez HiltonUhhmm, if Jessica Simpson is playing bingo halls, then why is she still landing magazine covers????? Why can't they just let this barely C-lister flail around on Dancing With The Stars and then fade gracefully into Z-List-ness???? This must be the do... more info

Jessica Simpson - Simpson Goes Back To School

5949 days ago
ContactMusicPop star JESSICA SIMPSON is heading back to school - and she wants to study religion. The 28-year-old Texan left high school aged 16 to tour the Christian music ... more info

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