Big Apple Music Scene — Jessica Simpson turns 32 today and all I want to do is make classic, "is this chicken or fish" jokes. But I won't, because those are so cliche now that it feels like a dream we once had. A dream where Jessica Simpson gave her virginity to her husband... more info
Big Apple Music Scene —
Adele is due to give birth in two months. Even though we just found out about this pregnancy two weeks ago. This is more surprising than the time I found a current magazine sitting in my OB-GYN's waiting room. It's like she looked at Jessica Simpson... more info
Starpulse — Happy Birthday to: Modern Family star Sofia Vergara (1972) Actress Heather Hemmens (1988) Actor Thomas Ian Nicholas (1980) Singer Jessica Simpson (1980) Brand New singer Jesse Lacey (1978) A... more info
The Newsroom — Jessica Simpson's baby girl Maxwell Drew enjoyed her first American Independence Day celebration in her dad Eric Johnson's arms. more info
ContactMusic — Miley Cyrus may have thought she was making a cutting edge fashion statement with her 200 patriotic red and white sweater on Independence Day though it turns out a couple of fellow celebrities were sporting the exact same piece reports the New York D... more info
Starpulse — New mom Jessica Simpson is set to expand her fashion credentials by creating a new wedding gown line. The singer, actress and reality TV star will study the market as she plans her own nuptials la... more info
Pop Crunch — New Mom, Jessica Simpson, tweeted her first family holiday picture yesterday. Simpson along with her fiance, Eric Johnson and baby girl, Maxwell, sent out a family picture, complete with fireworks [...]
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ContactMusic — New mum Jessica Simpson is set to expand her fashion credentials by creating a new wedding gown line The singer actress and reality TV star will study the market as she plans her own nuptials later this year 12 and launch her own range of fairytale d... more info