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John Cena: Chyna's a Man, Baby!

5806 days ago
TMZFiled under: Celebrity Feuds, Talk Sports Tree-trunk armed WWE hunk John Cena is saying what we've all thought for years: Chyna's probably got a "fruit basket." He's just sayin'.... See Also WWE Puts the Squeeze on Man Nipples Lohan Likes it ... more info

M.O.P., John Cena Caught In Tangled Lawsuit With WWE

5903 days ago
AllHipHopWrestler John Cena has found himself at the center of a tangled, new copyright infringement lawsuit over his use of an M.O.P. sample.   According to a lawsuit filed by publishing administration firm The Royalty Network, Inc. Cena, the WWE, Sony BMG... more info

Cena Rumbles with Rappers Over Theme Music

5903 days ago
TMZ The guys of '90s hard-core rap group M.O.P. say John Cena and the WWE jacked one of their songs for John's entrance music and they're alleging some pretty slippery moves in the process.Jamal Grinnage and Eric Murray -- that's Lil' Fame and Billy...... more info

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