Prefix — Remember when we posted 8-bit versions of Radiohead's albums Kid A and OK Computer? Well now it's Johnny ...
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Guardian Music — Take the National Media Museum's online test. Or have fun manipulating its tiny cyber mindHere's a bit of online fun from the National Media Museum, although I'm not sure that – in spite of quite grandiose claims – it's much more than that.Bradfo... more info
Topix — For Johnny Cash's 80th birthday bash in April at Austin's Moody Theater, producer, bandleader, and bassist Don Was wrangled two dozen of the late country music icon's admirers and acolytes for a 2-hour hootenanny. more info
Guardian Music — The singer-songwriter picks the music that means the most to her as part of our Six Songs of Me projectWhat was the first song you ever bought? Keep the Customer Satisfied – Simon and GarfunkelI bought it on cassette in a charity shop when I was 14... more info
Guardian Music — Mark Kermode's band wanted to record their second album. Where better to do it than Sun Studio in Memphis, made famous by the likes of Elvis and Johnny Cash?The first thing you notice about Sun Studio – the birthplace of rock'n'roll in downtown Mem... more info
Prefix — Earlier this year, a range of artists were invited to the studios of Austin City Limits to pay tribute to ...
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Topix — I often have trouble with tribute concerts, concerts where a collection of performers gather to perform the music of one specific musician. It's been my experience people far too often get caught up in the event and the iconography of the person bein... more info